SNIPPET: 4 Styles for Your Divi Menu CTA Button

SNIPPET: 4 Styles for Your Divi Menu CTA Button

Copy & Paste todays Freebie Code Snippet for your Divi site. It is FREEBIE FRIDAY and for this edition, we have 4 Styles for Your Divi Menu CTA Buttons that were lovingly crafted just for you! These snippets work fantastic with this week’s tutorial on How...
How to Reverse Loop Layout Columns in Divi Machine

How to Reverse Loop Layout Columns in Divi Machine

UPDATED: April 22nd, 2022 Today we have a quick Code Snippet for you that will allow you to Reverse Loop Layout Columns in Divi Machine. This is another Code Snippet that was inspired by a request that we received from one of our awesome customers, maybe it was you 😉...

Change a select option using jQuery in Divi

How to dynamically change a select option in a dropdown using jQuery Here is a nifty trick – if you have a select dropdown but want to have something a bit nicer in appearance and change the value of this drop down dynamically. Not sure what I am talking about?...
How to make a divi sticky section on scroll

How to make a divi sticky section on scroll

Have you ever wanted a section to be sticky when scrolling to it and be fixed? For years we have been using jQuery to target a specific section and then add a class name. Once this class name has been added to add some custom CSS to make it fixed and set the position....

SNIPPET: Make Divi Search Products Only

If you want Divi to search ONLY products, you are in the right place. We know how frustrating it is that Divi does not search the products but searches everything. This is not great for your customers UX so the snippet below will solve this for you. Add this code to...

Snippet: Show SKU in cart and checkout

If you want to display your SKU on the cart and checkout pages, simply add this code to your child theme in the functions.php file. It hooks into the action “woocommerce_cart_item_name” which is perfect. We hope this helps you in some...

SNIPPET: Make WooCommerce Checkout Fields Not Required

Do you want to make some checkout fields not required such as phone number or the first name? Use this snippet below to do this. In the above we are making the billing first name, last name, phone number, email and country as not required. To add more you need to just...

SNIPPET: Add Class To Body

Have you needed to have a class added to your body for a particular job. Maybe you just need one added or maybe you need one added based on the user role – have you ever wanted to know how to add the user role as a class name to the body? Below are two snippets...

SNIPPET: Change WooCommerce Text

Need to change the text of a string on your WooCommerce shop such as “Billing Details” or “Product” to be something else. Here is a snippet that will help. We have given a few examples so simply replace/remove as you need. Add this text to your...

SNIPPET: Add CSS to admin

Ever wanted to add some CSS to WordPress admin to customise the appearance? Maybe you want to style the admin to look like your agency or if you are like me, love a certain colour and want to see this more often. Simply add this php code to your functions.php file in...