Divi Ajax Filter Changelog

VERSION – 16/04/24
* FIX – Sale Badge not showing for Flip Image
* FIX – Custom Sale Badge upload not showing on single page
* FIX – Layout broken when switched from No Result layout
VERSION – 10/04/24
* FIX – ACF Field value for Archive Loop module with Linked Posts Type
* FIX – Filtering issue from security update
* FIX – PHP error in Filtering with multiple checkbox values
* FIX – Issue showing Relationship ACF Field in Machine Loop
VERSION – 03/04/24
* FIX – Arrow position of map search inline position
* FIX – PHP deprecated warnings $default values for modules
* FIX – Non Main Archive Loop on category page
* FIX – Space issue in taxonomy terms of Product Loop module
* FIX – Address Filter issue
* FIX – Product Variation filter issue
VERSION – 19/03/24
* FIX – Escaping for Marketplace
VERSION – 06/03/24
* FIX – BodyCommerce Variations default selection as well as hiding the select options with variation swatches in archive loop
* FIX – Machine all posts on map not showing
* FIX – Variations as a single product issue with loop template
* FIX – Filter Item module php warning
* FIX – Pagination issue when Loop items sorted by price
VERSION – 20/02/24
* FIX – Equalize column height is no longer breaking list-grid column structure in grid mode
* FIX – Default Loop Template not working without Woo, there will be “none” as default if no Woo, otherwise it will be shop template
* FIX – Issue with remove filter parameter
VERSION – 13/02/24
* MOD – Search Item: Deselect Included Options by Default?” When the loop module includes specific options (e.g., categories), they are auto-selected by default. Enable this option to default the selection to “All”, preventing auto-selection of included options.
* FIX – Remove Filter Params when All option is selected
* FIX – php warning for ajax date picker
* FIX – Search Text Filter does not work the 2nd time after ajax return
VERSION – 06/02/24
* FIX – Fatal Error when Machine, BodyCommerce or Ajax Filter are installed together
VERSION 3.1.6 – 31/01/24
* NEW ADDITION – Add Date/Date Range picker filter type and disable past/future dates.
* FIX – Machine Archive Loop custom template ajax filter only getting custom-template and not one differently named
* FIX – ACF shortcode not rendering in ajax load – this issue is actually ACF and not us, but added compatibility
* FIX – Loop Template, Blog style. If no categories, it will just show the seperator, this will be hidden now.
* FIX – All Text for category/radio was not working on sub-categories.
* FIX – Button – Loop Template, added setting to customise the button styles in the loop template
* FIX – Indent checkbox clickable space was small
* FIX – Post offset issue with WPML and Pagination
* FIX – Checkbox/radio intent normal style – input was overlapping text
* FIX – Post Modal ajax 403 error
* VERSION – 20/12/23
* MOD – Add option for centering map to the first post or not
* FIX – Subcategory indent styling issue for SearchPostItem module
* FIX – Pagination auto-scroll to “fine tune” – negative number was not working
* FIX – Compatibility issue with relevanssi for getting filter count
* FIX – Collapsible Category disable parent would cause space on the left for Divi Style
* FIX – Pagination not working
* VERSION 3.1.5 – 05/12/23
* MOD – Add option for sorting by custom meta field
* MOD – ACF Post Object categorizing by its taxonomy terms
* FIX – SVG code not rendering full HTML in the loop
* FIX – Loop Template – Image Background – Meta seperator not working
* FIX – Filtering issue due to sync filter items
* FIX – Filtering issue for Exclude Products
* FIX – Infinite load would activate the filter loading icon as well (causing 2)
* FIX – CSS class to hide module on grid view was not working after ajax load
* FIX – Checkbox position when indented radio/checkbox filter
* FIX – Map Marker infowindow center issue after Ajax content loaded
* FIX – Sound file not working on archive loop
* FIX – Filtering issue for multiple same filter options
* FIX – Url Query parameter affects non-main loop module
* FIX – Align last module for loop templates were not working
* FIX – Product Pagination not working with After Shop module
* FIX – Filter Parameter issue for select type filtering option
* VERSION 3.1.4 – 01/11/23
* MOD – Pagination design settings
* FIX – Filtering issue due to sync filter items
* FIX – Filtering & Filter Count issue for multiple same filter modules
* FIX – Remove Param issue for multiple same filter modules
* FIX – Relevanssi compatibility with Search Posts module
* FIX – Show correct posts on date archive page
* FIX – Empty options not hiding on archive page some cases because of Divi CSS overwriting it.
* FIX – Active swatch appearance for ACF swatches
* FIX – Collapsible Taxonomy
* FIX – Ajax Filter PHP error
* FIX – Variation Add to cart not working on Divi Machine’s Post Modal
* FIX – Show All pins when show empty on load is enabled
* FIX – Hide Paginations when show empty on load is enabled
* FIX – Uncheck All option is not working
* FIX – Sort by ACF Date Time Picker issue
* FIX – Align last module with list/grid layout
* FIX – Archive Loop Featured Posts only issue
* FIX – Exclude Category issue for core post type
* VERSION 3.1.2 – 29/09/23
* FIX – Thumbnail default size option
* VERSION 3.1.1 – 26/09/23
* NEW ADDITOIN – Add pagination to top, bottom or both in Divi Machine
* MOD – All options under parent terms
* FIX – Disable redis and object cache getting ID’s only for filter count
* FIX – Scroll to Filter module issue on load
* FIX – Show Empty Options issue for filter item
* FIX – Filter Count issue for category terms
* FIX – Archive Loop module for post object field inside Repeater
* FIX – Loop Templates: Background. Always show content CSS issue
* FIX – Fix PHP errors
* FIX – Divi Machine – no results layout on load, when filtering would not make a grid after that
* FIX – Show Empty On Load issue for Machine Loop module
* FIX – Search filter, hide paramaters was not working
* FIX – Disable products when category has child categories issue
* FIX – SVG File Support in Loop Layout
* FIX – Default value for thumbnail not working on machine
* FIX – When text search and scroll to section on change – it would do this on page load
* FIX – Filter Count issue with update filter count on clicked items off
* FIX – Search keyword on refresh
* FIX – Upsell & Crosssell same height and align last module had issues with design when 2 rows
* FIX – Sync filter modules
* FIX – Pagination Position issue
* FIX – Filter count issue when acf field name has special character
* FIX – Show Detail in same page issue
* FIX – Filtering & Reset Filter issue with product attribute
* VERSION 3.1 – 18/08/23
* FIX – Filter Count issue when WP core category is used for CPT
* FIX – Filter Posts module select “All” option on page load for selected terms
* FIX – Add Taxonomy terms in archive loop card
* FIX – Auto fill address from current location in Map Address Filter Item field
* FIX – Filter Count issue on category page when products are assigned to sub categories only
* FIX – Filter Paramaters for Search Text was not working on load or when filter update method was on change
* FIX – Radio Paramaters was not removing the label when removing it using the “x” icon
* FIX – Viewing post as draft would show the wrong post type in archive loop
* FIX – Filter Count issue for price filtering with tax
* FIX – Filter Count issue for ACF field
* MOD – Show empty on load feature
* MOD – Fixed compatibility with the plugin “Rate my post”
* MOD – Changed setting “Category/Tag/Taxonomy Terms Order”
– Renamed to: Term Order
– Moved from “Category/Tags & Taxonomy” Toggle to “Main Options”
* FIX – Range filter issue with custom values
* FIX – Masonry layout not working too well in some cases
* FIX – PHP Error with getting BC option
* FIX – Thumbnail image align issue
* FIX – Machine Loop by ACF field with space value
* FIX – Loop Templates Shop style, hide add to cart was not working
* FIX – Auto Detect post on category pages was not working in some cases, if assigned to more than one CPT, it will get the first one.
* FIX – SearchPostsItem module Range From/To issue for ACF From/To value
* FIX – Prettify issue when Breakpoint is set
* FIX – Machine Loop module Related posts by tag and Post Object
* FIX – Filter Posts module conditional logic “Is not empty” issue
* FIX – Search Input styling, was not inheriting Divi input styling
* FIX – Filter Image Swatch issue
* FIX – MarkerClusterer issue
* FIX – Get Filter Count issue for taxonomy slug and meta names with mysql keyword
* FIX – Select type Checkbox doesn’t reset on click reset button
* VERSION 3.0.1 – 16/06/23
* FIX – Warning message $mas_style
* FIX – Mobile toggle conflict with empty options – it would show it when it needs to be hidden
* FIX – Shop Style grid not working in Visual Builder
* FIX – Divi Dynamic images not showing on ajax filter or load more results
* FIX – Filter Count issue
* FIX – Filter module conditional logic not working
* FIX – List/Grid was not working with shop and blog layout
* VERSION 3.0 – 13/06/23
* MOD – Conditional Parent/Child Taxonomies
* FIX – Post offset is not working for related/linked type archive loop module
* FIX – JS error in conditional logic for filter posts module
* FIX – Product Loop module OrderBy for Custom Loop option is not working
* VERSION 2.9.9 (3.0 Beta) – 30/05/23
* NEW ADDITION – Loop Templates. We now have added templates that you can choose rather than just using the custom loop layout. Inital style are:
– Divi Blog Style
– Divi Shop Style (when WooCommerce is installed)
– Background Image
– Custom Template (Advanced Users – Create a template in your child theme to use instead of the custom loop layout)
* NEW ADDITION – Loop Style > Shortcode (Advanced Users or Developers) – Add a shortcode that will be used instead of the custom loop layout
* NEW ADDITION – Grid/List View Switcher for Ajax Filter, BodyCommerce & Machine
* NEW ADDTION – Swatches for Categories or Taxonomies. You can specify the images from either WooCommerce category images or ACF images added to the taxonomy
* NEW ADDTION – Secondary Sort Option
* NEW ADDITION/MOD – Added new setting and improve Empty Filter options
* NEW ADDITION/MOD – You can use multiple filter modules on the same page
* NEW ADDITION/MOD – Filter by Single Repeater field/Multiple Repeater Fields pair
* MOD – Archive Loop module
– New Setting: Disable Sticky Posts – enable or disable sticky posts to be at the top of your loop
– New Setting: Include Sticky Posts – choose if you want them included in the loop or not
– New Setting: Include Sticky Posts ONLY – coose if you want ONLY sticky posts to show
– New Setting: Include current category or taxonomy term – for loop module
– New Option: ACF Field on Related Content – ACF Field based Related posts
* MOD – Search & Filter by Post Type
* MOD – Filter ACF map will auto filter when you click off the input
* MOD – Changed CSS for reset button from block to inline-block. Before when you had it hidden on load it would be fullwidth(block) which was different to if it was not hidden.
* MOD – “divi_filter_completed” event triggered after Post Modal Ajax
* FIX – Filter ACF map Select placeholder was not working
* FIX – Issue with filtering by Post Object ACF field(Multiple Disabled)
* FIX – Post Object ACF field related loop
* FIX – Filter count for Custom Meta field
* FIX – Remove Empty value for Custom Meta field in Search Post Items module
* FIX – Reset button display issue with multiple filter modules
* FIX – Conditional Logic for Filter module
* FIX – Sort issue with pagination in Archive Loop module
* FIX – Archive Loop Get linked posts and sort by ACF date were not working together
* FIX – Showing results text went back to English on load more
* FIX – Search Parameter Issue
* FIX – Pagination/Result counts for custom “product” post type
* FIX – Toggle icon & Toggle Close Icon setting was no showing
* FIX – Filter Item had extra padding at the bottom of the first title
* FIX – Thumbnail max-height glitch, was not working
* FIX – Category Loop – link for thumbnail did not work
* FIX – Select2 classes more specific
* FIX – Empty filter param shows
* FIX – Filter Update Type description has been updated for accuracy
* FIX – Filter param added to sub archive loop module
* FIX – Show checked items in label – select style checkbox/radio option
* FIX – Toggle filter icon not showing when you have mobile toggle too
* FIX – Divi Dynamic Data – Featured Image was not showing – fix provided by ET
* FIX – Filter Count for Stock Status and Post Object
* FIX – Filter by Post Object issue
* FIX – Filter By Group field
* FIX – Multiple Post Modal issue
* FIX – Disabled Filter on Parent Category option
* FIX – Keep default radius value on Reset
* FIX – Range Filter Issue (Exclude Range when min & max value are selected)
* FIX – Filter Item Margin
* VERSION 2.3.3 – 15/02/23
* FIX – Filtering issue when page is loading with parameter based on Onload Terms
* FIX – Divi Builder save issue
* FIX – Thumbnail module style issue
* FIX – Conditional Logic Issue
* VERSION 2.3.2 – 10/02/23
* FIX – Overlay for thumbnail module was not working
* FIX – Price Filter issue
* FIX – Variation Price Filter setting on Divi Options page
* FIX – Include Terms(ACF) not working with ACF datepicker order
* VERSION 2.3.1 – 09/02/23
* FIX – non active icon for buttons
* FIX – Filter issue with include categories for “product variations as a single product”
* FIX – Product Loop pagination issue when no filter posts module and “Disable Ajax Filter” option is enabled
* FIX – Style broken for select style of checkbox/radio filter item
* FIX – Product Price filter issue
* VERSION 2.3 – 02/02/23
* NEW ADDITION – Variation Image Change on archive pages with BodyCommerce
* MOD – “Sorry, no posts” editable text in Machine Loop module
* MOD – Added Hide Marker Label option for Archive Loop module
* MOD – Filter Variation Price Option
* MOD – Added Custom Meta Data option to Filter Posts module
* MOD/FIX – Select Style Checkbox/Radio filter options
* FIX – Filter By Post Object(Not Multiple)
* FIX – Orderby for Post Object filter options
* FIX – Url with parameter occur error when Woocommerce product attribute is not defined
* FIX – Reset button shows all products when there is Search Posts module with Filter Posts module on Category page
* FIX – thumbnail icon default if none is selected (fallback to make sure)
* FIX – Issue with Orderby ACF DateTime picker
* FIX – Extra css was affecting arrows at wp backoffice
* FIX – Customize text snippets for search results on ajax load
* FIX – Filter Param not working
* FIX – Add help videos for all modules
* FIX – Added opacity for results count and order by module on ajax filter event
* FIX – Filter image swatch not showing in some cases
* FIX – Load more and infiite load not working for some, JS error
* FIX – Adding default Divi Module classnames (such as text aligment)
* FIX – Filter params was adding to all loops on the page. Made it only add to the main loop
* FIX – Fix Map Marker Clusterer issue
* FIX – Variation Swatches Image style issue
* FIX – Loadmore posts instered to wrong element
* FIX – Map Capability with one ACF Map field for Multiple CPT on each archive page
* FIX – Hide Entire module when filter options goes empty
* FIX – Relevanssi compatibility
* FIX – Filter Count issue
* VERSION 2.2.0 – 16/11/22
* NEW ADDITION – Search/Filter By Stock Status
* NEW ADDITION – Show Post Detail in same page from Archive Loop module
* MOD – Added “Include Option” on Filter Posts Item module
* MOD – Gutter row gap and column default values of 25px
* MOD – Added setting to add padding and margin around the filter item (works well with border radius etc)
* MOD – Loading icon on map markers while ajax content is loaded
* FIX – Border Radius was not working for filter items
* FIX – Reset filter issue
* FIX – Thumbnail and Title new tab was opening in the same new tab
* FIX – Map Marker Tooltip style issue
* FIX – Modules Style in Post Modal
* FIX – Issue with Show Empty filter options for Product Attributes
* FIX – Divi Ajax Filter, Range Filter, Upper limit not showing for numeric value
* FIX – Undefined function get_field_object acf when acf is not installed
* FIX – Removal of inline styles at filter item button container and input
* FIX – ACF Range: From and To values in the range are now taken from ACF min and max and not from and to settings / Range Values Type: From ACF Value (From and To)
* FIX – Use Decimal type automatically for Filter Value Type when acf filter type is Number/Range
* FIX – Radius Field Value option display condition
* FIX – Divi Ajax Filter Module – $ is not a function
* FIX – Image Popup issue after load more
* FIX – Select2 issue on Search Posts module
* VERSION – 06/10/22
* FIX – Post Number missing from product loop module
* VERSION 2.1.1 – 06/10/22
* FIX – ProductLoop module Loadmore styling issue
* FIX – Filter Item Param issue on load with filter parameter
* VERSION 2.1 – 04/10/22
* FIX – Exclude category option issue
* FIX – Users’s Post only for Archive Loop module
* FIX – loading animation with filtering, load more or pagination is not in the center rather than at the top
* FIX – admin CSS conflict
* FIX – Post Object filtering & searching
* FIX – Map Radius style issue
* FIX – Filter by variation stock status
* VERSION – 26/08/22
* MOD – Added the filter for machine thumbnail so you can specify the thumbnail image with a filter
– et_pb_portfolio_image_height
– et_pb_portfolio_image_width
* FIX – Adding license keys to multisite did not work
* FIX – Search Button issue
* FIX – Duplicated posts issue when load more
* FIX – Added repeater & group fields in ACF fields option
* VERSION – 17/08/22
* MOD – Notify Ray ID when site is blocked by diviengine.com for active & deactive license code
* FIX – Fix filter issue
* VERSION 2.0.9 – 16/08/22
* NEW ADDITION – Map Radius Search with Divi Machine
* FIX – Fix conditional category issue
* FIX – Fix filter button alignment issue when side by side setting is enabled
* FIX – Can’t change parent category for conditional categories after filtering
* FIX – Filtering issue on mobile
* FIX – Translation issue with Divi Machine or Divi BodyCommerce
* FIX – Filter Count issue when meta key has ‘-‘
* FIX – PHP notice related with woocommerce
* FIX – Fix masonry issue after load more
* FIX – label for input text accessibility
* FIX – Fix Price filter when load more
* FIX – Fix Sales Only issue on filtering/pagination
* FIX – Filter issue for checkbox acf field range filter
* FIX – License code deactivate issue
* VERSION 2.0.8 – 27/06/22
* MOD – Added setting to sort the posts in the archive loop by linked post order
* FIX – Style issue for bodycommerce modules when loading more
* FIX – Select/Check default value for “0” option
* FIX – Filter Count issue
* FIX – Fix Hide Empty options setting issue for Select Filter
* FIX – Fix Range Filter parameter issue
* FIX – Error message with Ajax Filter and Machine active together
* FIX – Fix filtering when there is special character in filter parameter
* FIX – Fix map pin issue after filtering
* VERSION 2.0.7 – 09/06/22
* NEW ADDITION – Product Price: Min price can be set as the lowest price in the store, category or custom
* MOD – Machine, post object will work inside a repeater now
* FIX – Filter js issue
* FIX – Pagination issue with offset setting
* FIX – Scroll to top after ajax update issue when pagination is clicked
* FIX – Map marker js issue
* FIX – OrderBy issue with Product Loop module
* FIX – Show Always Reset button issue
* FIX – Show Empty Filter option issue
* FIX – Filter item style issue
* FIX – HTML was not working in post tiles because of esc_html
* FIX – Fix refresh filtering when parameter value is 0
* FIX – Fix filter count issue when there is product price range in Filter module
* FIX – Hide empty filter optoins for select was not working
* VERSION 2.0.6 – 26/05/22
* FIX – Fixed Style breaking when use Machine Archive Loop module for products
* FIX – Fixed orderby module issue
* FIX – Remove Range Slider value when reset is clicked
* FIX – Mobile toggle was not working – button was hidden. Now it is visible so you can toggle the filter
* FIX – Filter Count issue for some taxonomy terms
* FIX – Range Custom Values – no to and from appear when this is selected
* VERSION 2.0.5 – 20/05/22
* FIX – Pagination/Orderby not working for some situations
* FIX – PHP warning
* VERSION 2.0.4 – 20/05/22
* FIX – Fixed error with Visual Builder post type selection
* FIX – Created separate class for Visual Builder Thumbnail module
* FIX – removal of eval() code which some security plugins did not like
* VERSION 2.0.3 – 19/05/22
* FIX – Version number was not changed which caused the notice to keep updating
* VERSION 2.0.2 – 18/05/22
* FIX – Fatal error when Ajax Filter, Machine and BodyCommerce are active together or 2 of them
* VERSION 2.0.1 – 18/05/22
* FIX – Fixing Filter issue with ACF field
* FIX – Reset Filter issue
* FIX – Removing sanitize_text_field as this removed whitespace and made filter not work well in some cases
* FIX – Loadmore issue
* FIX – Fatal Errors
* VERSION 2.0 – 18/05/22
* NEW ADDITION – Added escaping and sanitizing functions to increase security
* NEW ADDITION – Full Visual Builder Compatibility
* NEW ADDITION – Specify the custom post to be displayed in the Divi Builder Page Settings or Meta Field in Divi Library
– Visual Builder:
– Page Settings > Divi Engine > Visual Builder > Example Post Type
– When no page settings are available (like in the Divi Library)
– Sidebar > Divi Engine > Visual Builder > Example Post Type
* NEW ADDITION – Added style to side slide the filter (now have normal, toggle and side slide)
– Add a button or similar. Add a CSS ID to the button. Add this ID to the filter post
– When you click this button, the filter will slide in
* MOD – ADD FiboSearch Compatibility
* MOD – Moved CSS and JS out to not be minified with the rest, this way it will only be loaded when you need it
* MOD – Speed improvement of the Loop Layouts
* MOD – Speed improvement of the Post Count (one massive site we tested, went from 18s down to 1.5s)
* MOD – Merged “indent and prefix for sub categories and sub taxonomies”
* MOD – Added styling options for reset button to be different from search button
* MOD – Filter Module
– Moved design settings into design tab
– Created Subtoggles text styles, active/inactive styles
– Hide settings when they are not needed to be more clear and less confusing
* MOD – added setting to change number of pins showing on map if showing ALL pins
* FIX – Map Cluster on loadmore
* FIX – Category disply mode issue for post type
* FIX – Map address & radius in one row
* FIX – Fix onload term issue
* FIX – Category indent issue
* FIX – Title styling not working for some cases
* FIX – background setting issue for header of filter item
* FIX – ACF field with reserved name price was not sorting properly at the orderby module
* FIX – Prevent filtering & getting filter counts when nothing is changed in filter module
* FIX – Prevent collapsing when there is checked child option on load
* VERSION – 07/03/22
* FIX – JS error on frontend
* VERSION – 03/03/22
* MOD – Added setting to choose “indent” instead of “prefix” for the child categories in the filter. Define the space you want it to indent by
* MOD – added main-loop class for machine loop if selected
* FIX – Removed variation swatches JS code from BC so that it does not effect the order bump
* FIX – Click on parent when Collapsible was not working, it would not check the parent checkbox
* FIX – Fixed issue with Divi Machine gallery not loading after ajax load
* FIX – prefix indent was causing space – removed the space
* VERSION – 17/01/22
* FIX – PHP errors showing on Machine archive/category pages
* VERSION 1.9.3 – 13/01/22
* MOD – Remove . before each module name
* MOD – Added option to add custom values for the range slider. So you can have the steps as 0,100,1000,10000 for example.
* MOD/FIX – Customised settings so that you can change the border radius and box shadow on the select, range and radio boxes
* MOD – Add Include Custom Taxonomy Terms in ProductLoop module
* MOD – Linked Posts by ACF taxonomy field
* FIX – BC – when scroll to orderby on mobile – was not working, it will default to the archive loop on mobile to scroll to if no orderby
* FIX – ICON issue on Machine Archive Loop module
* FIX – Filter issue by search keyword when reload page
* VERSION 1.9.2 – 24/11/21
* MOD – Put all modules into folder “Divi Ajax Filter”
* FIX – Multiple product tag filter issue(PHP error)
* FIX – Archive Loop issue on Search Page
* FIX – Machine Loop issue for ACF filter
* FIX – Remove BodyCommerce scripts on Divi Machine
* FIX – Variation Swatch normal style issue(Opacity)
* FIX – Multiple post type selection issue after new CPT is added on Machine Loop
* FIX – Price range filter when tax option is enabled
* FIX – Styling issue after filtering on normal page
* VERSION 1.9.1 – 12/11/21
* FIX – Improved fixing Icon issue with new Divi Update from Divi 4.13.0
* VERSION 1.9 – 10/11/21
* MOD – Add include category feature for linked post Archive Loop
* MOD – Add ACF filter for Related Post Archive Loop
* MOD – Add Archive Loop filter by non empty ACF value (Get posts only that specific acf value is set)
* MOD – Filter Items order by menu_order
* FIX – Fix button product loop overwriting atc module
* FIX – ICON issue for Divi 4.13.0
* FIX – Multiple post category filter issue
* FIX – Remove Filter Param issue on combination category filter
* FIX – Loadmore issue
* FIX – Include tag and categories were applied for default woocommerce layout
* FIX – Filter Param & Filter issue when filter by button
* FIX – ACF Date Picker order by today to +custom days
* FIX – Parent Category expand icon nonclickable issue
* FIX – Search/Filter field padding/margin issue
* VERSION 1.8.1 – 28/10/21
* FIX – Styling issue after ajax call
* FIX – PHP Errors on modules
* FIX – Visual Builder loop preview issue
* FIX – Exclude options on Filter item module
* VERSION 1.8 – 21/10/21
* NEW ADDITION – Filtering options orderby (Category/Tag/Taxonomy/ACF) – ability to change the order of the filter items in the select drop down for example.
* FIX – Checkbox Type ACF field for “Numeric” filter value type Filtering issue
* FIX – Order by Wishlist posts per page issue
* FIX – Styling issue after ajax
* FIX – Include/Exclude category on Product Loop module for ajax filtering/pagination
* FIX – Relationshiop ACF field support for Linked Post on Machine Archive loop
* FIX – Include tag issue on Archive Loop
* FIX – Filter Items “Show More/Show Less” issue
* FIX – Multiple Level Conditional category filter option issue
* FIX – Search Filter Item js error
* VERSION 1.7 – 12/10/21
* NEW ADDITION – Added multiple post type selection – Divi Machine only for now
* NEW ADDITION – Added Product Variation Type in ProductLoop module – You can now show the product variations as seperate products on the product loop
* NEW ADDITION – Added “Exclude Tags” in machine loop
* NEW ADDITION – ACF field Sort type added for Machine Loop
* MOD – Added de_ajaxfilter_before_shop_loop_item/de_ajaxfilter_after_shop_loop_item hooks on Product Loop
* FIX – Order by ACF field issue when filtering
* FIX – Filtering issue with tax_query or meta query is empty in original query
* FIX – Map pins for ajax loadmore
* FIX – Style Confliction with other modules for ajax call
* FIX – Filter Count issue
* FIX – Filter issue for conditional category issue when child is empty
* FIX – Filter issue when press enter key to search
* FIX – Load more issue when inside loop module is in layout
* VERSION 1.6.4 – 06/09/21
* FIX – Pagination string translation issue
* FIX – Product tag orderby issue on filter module
* FIX – Remove Filter issue
* FIX – Thumbnail module php issue
* FIX – Add Dynamic CSS compatibility code
* FIX – Ajax add to cart issue after loadmore/infinite scroll
* FIX – Exclude category issue
* FIX – Product Category filter issue
* FIX – Related posts by category issue
* FIX – Ajax Add to cart issue after loadmore/infinite
* FIX – Bullet issue when use Machine Loop for Product list
* VERSION 1.6.3 – 20/08/21
* MOD – Added de_ajaxfilter_before_shop_loop_item/de_ajaxfilter_after_shop_loop_item hooks in ajax call
* FIX – Filter issue on category page
* FIX – Product duplication issue when loadmore/infinite
* FIX – Product Loop html markup issue
* FIX – Search by String url issue
* FIX – Orderby issue after loadmore
* VERSION 1.6.2 – 13/08/21
* MOD – Added setting to change the text of “yes” and “no” for the true/false field
* FIX – Filter module has opened after ajax in mobile when auto close option is enabled
* FIX – Select Filter option issue(current value is not selected) when page loaded with its filter param
* FIX – PHP error for search when woocommerce is not installed
* FIX – Enabled “Scroll To Top After Ajax Update” option for Load More/Pagination/Infinite mode of Archive Loop module
* FIX – Price filter issue
* FIX – PHP error on Filter option module for getting acf fields
* FIX – PHP error on getting icon css on Filter Option Module
* FIX – PHP error on Thumbnail module
* FIX – filtering issue for category on category page
* FIX – Decimal filtering issue
* FIX – Prevent form submitting when press enter on search field for filter module
* FIX – Add relevance sort option in MachineLoop module
* FIX – Js minify issue for remove filter parameter
* FIX – Add relevance sort option in Product Loop module
* FIX – provide woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item/woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item hooks in custom loop layout for product module
* FIX – Related Posts issue
* FIX – Remove Filter Param issue
* VERSION 1.6.1 – 26/07/21
* MOD – Add “Exclude Categories” option to ArchiveLoop module
* MOD – ADD Filter option for “True or False” type ACF field
* MOD – Add “Linked/Related” posts by post object ACF field.
* FIX – PHP error for class definition duplication
* FIX – Wireframe blank issue
* FIX – Post Modal css conflict issue
* FIX – Fix PHP Notice for shortcode slug of Title, Thumbnail modules
* VERSION – 13/07/21
* MOD – Remove filter for current taxonomy on archive page
* FIX – Sort by issue by meta value
* FIX – Sort by issue for combination of default sort options
* VERSION -09/09/21
* FIX – AND for tag taxonomy filter
* FIX – order by issue
* FIX – Infinite scrolling issue
* FIX – Range Filter reset issue
* FIX – Fixed issue with order by “menu_order title”
* FIX – Fixed price filter issue on Standalone
* FIX – Fixed js issue for range filter
* VERSION 1.6 – 07/07/21
* NEW ADDITION – Load More and Infinite Scroll
* NEW ADDITION – Select2 option for the select filter items
* NEW ADDITION – Added availability to hide empty option for select filter
* ADD – Added settings to select Load More type (Load More, Pagination, Infinite Scroll)
* MOD – Added settings to change toggle color for the sub-category icon – default color #666
* MOD – Added settings to select max product price for range filter
* FIX – Moved radio count over to the left when you have the sub-category icon toggle so do not overlap
* FIX – Radio text not style
* FIX – masonry not working well after ajax load if no images
* FIX – Javascript issue for “All” option select of Checkbox style filter
* FIX – Multiple “And” operation issue
* FIX – Product Attribute Checkbox filter option issue
* FIX – masonry layout not working for posts for ajax filter
* FIX – Hide Empty Option issue for Select2(Disable options for empty options on Select2)
* FIX – Hide Whole Filter option when there is no available option
* VERSION 1.5.2 – 31/05/21
* MOD – New setting to define a delay in searching text while typing (much how you search for plugins in WordPress admin)
* MOD – Do not search a text field if empty
* FIX – Reset Filter issue
* FIX – Filter by Category issue
* FIX – Filter Count for taxononmy issue
* VERSION 1.5.1 – 25/05/21
* FIX – Archive Loop inside archive loop issue
* FIX – Filter by ratings issue
* FIX – orderby random issue
* FIX – Radio options hiding on load which should not
* VERSION 1.5 – 19/05/21
* ADD – Add Filter Condition for Checkbox style filter option
* ADD – Auto Detect post type feature for Loop module
* FIX – Display issue of Out of Stock products
* FIX – Sort By issue
* FIX – Remove Filter Param issue
* FIX – Show More / Less not working
* VERSION 1.4.1 – 12/05/21
* FIX – Fixed Loop layout not showing in settings
* VERSION 1.4 – 11/05/21
* MOD – Speedup load assets on specific modules
* MOD – Add translate availability of Filter Option names
* MOD – Trigger “divi_filter_completed” jquery event after filtering & load more is completed
* MOD – Added script for module links after ajax
* FIX – Filter Conditional Logic issue
* FIX – Machine multiple include taxonomies
* FIX – Load more offset issue
* FIX – Machine Loop orderby acf datepicker issue
* FIX – Video Size issue after filtering
* FIX – Add filtering callback
* FIX – Filter Param remove issue
* FIX – Add availability to add more level of contidional logic
* FIX – Hide Out of stock products issue
* FIX – Machine Loop keep query params when reloading after filtering issue
* FIX – Divi Machine & BodyCommerce & Ajax Filter module compatibility issue
* FIX – Link to whole grid for form elements like add quantity & ajax add to cart button issue
* FIX – resizeAllGridItems not defined issue
* FIX – Video acf item size issue
* FIX – Filter count issue
* FIX – Filter Param issue when select filter option
* FIX – Include cat issue on non main loop when filter param query is set
* FIX – Masonry item image issue after ajax
* FIX – Go to the section issue when click pagination for normal pagination style
* FIX – Get count issue for Taxonomy filter option of the POST
* FIX – Order by Price issue for Product Loop module.
* FIX – Masonry grid resize issue after Ajax filter & loadmore
* FIX – filter by price for Product Loop module
* FIX – Multiple Category Filter options
* FIX – Reset Filter & Remove Filter Param issue
* FIX – Regenerate Random number for order for every Archive loop
* FIX – Taxonomy filter issue on Machine Loop
* FIX – Several Filter issue related with multiple filter options such as remove Filter issue
* FIX – Remove console.log from masonry
* FIX – Archive Loop pagination issue for non product loop
* VERSION 1.3.1 – 18/03/21
* MOD – Conditional logic work with search module from Divi Machine
* FIX – Columnn number on tablet and mobile
* FIX – fixed scroll to when load more
* FIX – Columns issue after ajax call
* FIX – Filter issue with decimal value
* FIX – Meta query duplication issue
* FIX – Random orderby issue
* FIX – Filter count issue by pagination
* FIX – PHP issues on ArchiveLoop module
* FIX – Product loop style issue on normal page
* FIX – “Show result count” option issue
* FIX – Filter issue with unvalid param url(When search by button)
* FIX – Offset issue with all posts(Posts Per page : -1)
* FIX – “Only show available options” issue for filter options when pagination
* FIX – Remove filter param issue
* FIX – Reset filter issue (when all option is disabled for radio type filter)
* FIX – Modal popup issue after filtering
* FIX – Filter Count issue when there are several same category filter option
* FIX – Collapsible Categories not working
* FIX – Column issue when filtering after no result
* FIX – Made pagination “scroll to” setting to work only for pagination
* FIX – Set default category when reset for category page
* FIX – Archive Loop module default acf name & value for checkbox type field issue
* FIX – Conditional logic for acf select box
* FIX – Radio long label not lining up
* VERSION 1.3 – 05/03/21
* NEW ADDTION – Conditional Logic for filter options
* NEW ADDITION – Enhanced category options
– Show Only Parent Categories
– Show Only Sub Categories of Selected Category (you then select a category)
– Show Sub Categories of Current Category (Category page only)
– Show All Categories and Sub categories
* NEW ADDITION – Setting to make each filter item toggle on mobile only
* NEW ADDITION – Setting to limit the height of the radio filter, you can click on text to show more (expand) and show less (collapse)
* MOD – Changed the filter items settings to be more clear and easier to use – just layout
* MOD – Filter column size on desktop, tablet and mobile when using the fullwidth column style.
* MOD – Post Title: moved margin to module and padding to title
* MOD – Added setting to show related posts using post categories when selecting our custom post (usually custom tax category)
* MOD – Added sort by price and stock status for product loop module
* MOD – Added setting to set the value type(string, number, decimal)
* MOD – Added option to auto close the filter on mobile when making a selection
* FIX – Fixed thumbnail margins not working
* FIX – Range slider for product attribute that contains decimal value
* FIX – php notice
* FIX – Filter label not hiding in some cases
* FIX – fixed column count when filtering
* FIX – minor CSS bugs
* FIX – reset issue with Product rating filter
* FIX – CSS style issue for ajax calls
* FIX – Module duplication issue
* FIX – Pagination issue when post offset is 0
* VERSION 1.2 – 16/02/21
* MOD – setting to show reset button always
* FIX – JS error with range slider if no max value is set
* FIX – Reset button show hide issue
* FIX – Filter param tag undefined issue
* FIX – Filter issue when using ‘category’ as taxonomy of custom post type or in ACF field
* FIX – Filter by Numeric issue
* FIX – Load More & Filtering issue
* VERSION 1.1 – 11/02/21
* NEW ADDITION – Added setting to show a button that when they click will toggle the filter on mobile
* MOD – New setting to only show category/tags/attributes/custo tax that are assigned to the posts
* MOD – Added Product Attribute Range type
* MOD – Added setting to scroll down to a section on ajax update – choose posts, orderby or filter.
* MOD – Added option to open the whole grid in a new tab
* FIX/MOD – Added box shadow for thumbnail image
* FIX – Link whole grid on filter
* FIX – filtering issue for multiple loop module
* FIX – filter count issue
* MOD – Hide Reset if any filter is not selected
* MOD – Add option to exclude category on machine loop module
* FIX – Map pin issue
* FIX – Non woocommerce Archive loop module php bug
* ADD – Add product weight & product rating filter
* FIX – Flip image issue on Thumbnail module
* FIX – Loadmore issue when include multiple categories & tags
* FIX – order by issue for custom query loop
* VERSION 1.0.2 – 04/12/2020
* FIX – Fixed pagination issue with BC
* FIX – PHP fatal error when installed on BC
* FIX – linked post tilte bug
* FIX – Product Title style
* FIX – Product List not working
* FIX – double box shadow setting for thumbnail
* MOD – Sync with bd ( modify js object name, fix default sortorder etc)
* VERSION 1.0.1 – 26/11/2020
* FIX – Same function names as Machine – fixed
* VERSION 1.0 – 26/11/2020
* Launch Initial Version