Divi Form Builder Changelog

VERSION 3.2.3 – 05/03/24
* MOD – New setting on Form Module: URL Validation Error Message – message that shows when the URL validation fails
* FIX – URL validation allows new way of using domain without https:// or https://
* FIX – Select arrow color not changing on form field
* FIX – Hiden field page URL not full if on CPT pages
* FIX – Date/Time color in the time dropdown was white so could not see it
* MOD – Added setting to enable Form AI Features to form. This must be enabled for the Form AI Output field to work.
* FIX – Required message position(top) issue
VERSION 3.2.2 – 12/02/24
* NEW ADDITION – Spam Protection: Field Validation – validate against a field value
* NEW ADDITION – Spam Protection: Time Validation – validate against a specific amount of time since page loaded
* MOD – Add Post Date mapping option
* MOD – Add Field Calculation Default value option
* MOD – Form Field – new setting “Populate Options from Linked Post Only?”. If you are populating the select with options from ACF Post Object, enable this to ONLY show options that the logged in user is associated with.
* FIX – Progress bar Step size was not in the correct toggle so not visible
* FIX – Slick Slider not working in loop layout of conditionally shown content (columns)
* FIX – Ajax Submission google recaptcha issue
* FIX – Added missing setting for required text on Password field type
* FIX – Form Builder plugin problem with multi site environment
* FIX – RestAPI call issue
* FIX – Disable Submit for required field issue
* FIX – PHP warning messages in post ajax
* FIX – CSS styles from edit post moda including close icon, effecting website. Overflow hidden not being removed from body either
VERSION – 11/12/23
* FIX – Module alignment when BodyCommerce installed conflict
* FIX – Mail issue for contact form
VERSION – 05/12/23
* FIX – Composer error
VERSION – 05/12/23
* MOD – Setting page update for Divi Membership
VERSION 3.2.1 – 05/12/23
* NEW ADDITION – Added setting for Basic CAPTCHA Required Text
* MOD – Added styling for active multistep progress
* MOD – Added setting for multistep step size
– before we were using the line height of the step setting, changed to be this new width setting as more user friendly
* FIX – Radio field link not working
* FIX – Dropdown field issue for mapped ACF field with zero value
* FIX – ACF Hidden Field, Post Object was not working
VERSION 3.2.0 – 14/11/23
* MOD – Update on Marketplace
* FIX – Password being sent from login form
VERSION 3.1.0 – 18/10/23
* NEW ADDITION – Zapier webhook integration
* NEW ADDITION – Added option so that ACF Checkbox mapping and show only selected options not all
* MOD/FIX – Added countries list to select box for Woocommerce when set mapping field as billing_country
* FIX – URL field back
* FIX – Image upload wasn’t working when enabling enqueue jQuery in Form Builder settings
* FIX – Ajax Object Console Error impacting Form Modal
* FIX – Google Address field for Post Creation form with filtering
* FIX – Email Title issue and space between label and value in Email
* FIX – Radio button inline, margin not working
* FIX – Radio Spacing (Spacing > Radio/Checkbox Margin) was not working on bottom
* FIX – HTML Formatting in Email Notification
* FIX – Confirmation Email Setting Toggle
* FIX – PHP issue
* FIX – Login & Register module redirection issue
* FIX – Submit button alignment changing bloom checkbox alignment too
* FIX – Edit post in modal was throwing a js error
* FIX – Post data was not updated to mapped acf field when multiple form fields are mapped to same acf field
* FIX – Auto Login after registration issue
* FIX – Update Image button issue for Edit post form on modal
* FIX – Downloaded entries csv file format break in Excel
* FIX – Separate Admin code from License related files
* FIX – Login Form send password in email
* FIX – Post Form value issue for 0 of ACF selection
VERSION 3.0.3 – 10/08/23
* MOD – Form Module: Added a setting to add padding to the progress bar for multistep
* FIX – HTML Format Email template line break issue
* FIX – Create required tables on update
* FIX – PHP warning when conditional logic
* FIX – Date Picker disable Sunday was not working
* FIX – Bloom Sign up description appearance not changing
* FIX – AI js error
* FIX – Ajax File Uploads
* FIX – AJAX Submit Error
* FIX – Bloom Sign Up Description styling
VERSION 3.0.2 – 02/07/23
* FIX – Form Field Validation issue – Allowed Symbols
* FIX – Contact Form Responses DB Table Creation Bug
VERSION 3.0.1 – 22/06/23
* FIX – PHP fatal error with old versions of PHP, Form AI just wont work but no error
VERSION 3.0.0 – 22/06/23
* NEW ADDITION – Add OpenAI integration to forms
* NEW ADDITION – Added the URL field type
* MOD – Datepicker field: new option to disable dates.
* MOD – Datetimepicker field: new option to show time only.
* MOD – Form Preloader Styling (color)
* MOD – Added validation hook (de_fb_validation)
* MOD/FIX – Multistep: Step number and percentage was being hidden beow 500px. Now they will show and only the step title is hidden
* MOD/FIX – Added #000 color to the submit button if on IOS as the user style sheet makes it white
* MOD/FIX – Added animation & prevent re-click button on submit action
* MOD – Speed Improvement
* FIX – Content field type: resolved issues with borders and box shadow design not matching content text design settings.
* FIX – Checkbox/Radio field type: resolved issue with border not working for radio/checkbox Divi type
* FIX – Form Field: Label spacing
* FIX – Date/Time Picker css style with other plugins
* FIX – Multistep height on submit
* FIX – User Edit Form: fix user data removing issue on edit user form
* FIX – Visual Builder field icon position
* FIX – Box Shadow and Border Radius for Entire Form
* FIX – Logout issue after change user data throught the form
* FIX – Page Scroll issue when click next button of multistep form
* FIX – Admin Entries table styling on mobile devices
* FIX – Field Label/Title not showing as Placeholder
* FIX – Number field required attribute and message missing
* FIX – Hide basic captcha upon form submit on non-ajax forms
* FIX – Submit Button alignment when using ReCaptcha
* NEW ADDITION – Field Border on Focus
* NEW ADDITION – Field Box Shadow
* FIX – Conditional Logic issue for unselected value with “Contains” condition
* FIX – Notification Email merge tag issue for Post Object mapping
* FIX – Select border not changing color
VERSION 2.3.1 – 13/04/23
* MOD – New setting “Enable Placeholder” in form field. If you disable this, we will remove the placeholder.
* MOD – Changed setting name “Placeholder Text” to be “Custom Placeholder Text” – if left empty, it will show the field name.
* MOD – Added the hooks to handle notification email recipient conditionally by submitted data
* MOD – Added the settiong for edit permission
* MOD – Updated max file upload count description
* MOD – Scroll to top of the form after going to the next step
* FIX – Fix styles issue with wysiwyg editor
* FIX – Only 1 file was sent via email on contact form
* FIX – “New Message Arrived” is in Email body when email template is empty though Email Title is set
* FIX – Bloom Subscribe checkbox doesn’t hide after ajax submission
* FIX – Fix Google Map ACF field mapped Address issue when it is copied
* FIX – Taxonomy slug is sent via email instead of name
* FIX – Fix create form entry issue
* FIX – Remove File/Image on Image/File field not working when logged in
* FIX – Icon position problem
VERSION 2.3 – 21/03/23
* NEW ADDITION/MOD – Improved file/image upload/edit feature
– Remove icon to delete file/image on edit form
– Change the sort order from frontend
– When editing the post and you upload more images, before it would override them all. Now it will add more rather than remove the ones that were there.
* NEW ADDITION – Number Input field type
* MOD – Form Module, added a setting to customise the date picker font appearance
* MOD – Form & Form Field Module, added a setting to customise the required font appearance
* MOD – Add help videos for all modules at Divi Form Builder
* MOD – Add Mapping compatibility for signature field in Post creation form
* MOD – Added a setting to clear the form on ajax submission
* MOD – Form field design settings will work on select2 too
* MOD – Added a setting to customise the color of the select arrow in form field design tab
* MOD – Added a setting to add/remove de_fb_ prefix to fields
* MOD – Added styling options for the content > text field. Added settings in design tab of form and form field
* MOD – Added styling options for the basic captcha
* MOD – Add Setting for Email Template format is HTML
– When using only HTML in the email template we have a new setting that wont add
tags that you will want if it is only simple fields (no HTML)
* MOD – Multi Step Form: Add Setting(Go to next step when change option on multistep form?) to go to next step when changing on a Radio/Select option.
* MOD – Added a setting to show/hide Add Media Button on wysiwyg editor – text field
* MOD – Added settings to make bloom subscribe checkbox required
* MOD – Edit Post: Will only appear if the user can edit the post and is the author – or administrator.
– New setting in form module to display the “No Permission Notice” when they cannot edit.
* FIX – Other forms not submitting when pressing the enter key (like search in header)
* FIX – DateTimePicker Month names regional issue
* FIX – File upload issue
* FIX – Required Field validation issue on Next Button for multistep form
* FIX – Keep user inputs on submission failed
* FIX – Prevent Hide form on submission failed
* FIX – Multistep form issue when multiple forms are on page
* FIX – Text alignment not working (general text in design tab, not individual text settings)
* FIX – Image upload preview background and remove icon styling
* FIX – Remove template tag(%%field_id%%) from email when field is not submitted by conditional logic
* FIX – Fixed some W3C errors
* FIX – Form Entry table format and csv export(special character) issue
* FIX – PHP error
* FIX – Form module field design not working as child does
* FIX – Trim input fields for validation
* FIX – Hide Subscribe checkbox after form submission success
* FIX – Multistep Form Space issue
* FIX – Add Setting to fix field icons moving issue when it has error
* FIX – File/Image field default value issue for Edit form
* FIX – Reorganize ACF field & handle inactive acf fields
* FIX – Bloom Subscription issue for ajax submission
* FIX – Hide Form for submission success
* FIX – Scroll top offset to Form after submission success
* FIX – ACF mapped fields doesn’t work with ACF dynamic content
* FIX – Files upload for group/gallery ACF field assigned to User
* FIX – Can’t select subscribe checkbox when there are multiple forms with subscribe enabled
* FIX – Reupload file doesn’t work for mapped acf field(file/image)
* FIX – Fixed php 8 issues
* FIX – Make User Login field on edit form as readonly
* FIX – Confirm Password error message is appear repeatly
* FIX – Remove passwords in emails unless there is password field in template
VERSION 2.2 – 23/11/22
* FIX – Image save issue on edit post form
* FIX – Reply To in Email Notification doesn’t work on ajax submission
* FIX – Mapped value issue for several same elements of mapping on submit
* FIX – Required for file/image upload field on edit post form
* FIX – HTML Special characters in Email Title Field
* FIX – Google Map acf field value is wrong on edit post form
* FIX – Prevent Form submit when press Enter key
* FIX – Remove Script tag from textarea field
* FIX – Fixed email not sending when you specify the field ID for the email as capitals
* FIX – Show captcha field at last step only in multistep form
VERSION 2.1.1 – 04/11/22
* MOD – Added option to add spacing and borders to the whole form as well as the form field wrapper. (whole form includes the title and progress bar for multistep for example)
VERSION 2.1 – 03/11/22
* NEW ADDITION – Post Creation Form: mapping google map acf field with autocomplete field
* MOD – Database Entries: Delete multiple form entries from the database, checkbox to choose
* MOD – Database Entries: When you change the form name, it will update the form name in the database entries section in our settings
* MOD – Setting to define autocomplete attribute in Divi Form Fields
* FIX – Fix JS error for form submission
* FIX – Select field border style issue
* FIX – Highlighted Date Style on calendar
* FIX – Datepicker/Timepicker input field icon style
* FIX – admin CSS conflict
* FIX – Security issue from the form submit ( use script or html in input/textarea field )
* FIX – Image Upload meta data is not showing
* FIX – Unable to submit/next after validation
* FIX – Signature field initialized when resizing/validation
* FIX – Image Checkbox/Radio for mapped field issue
* FIX – Uncheck meta values on Edit Post form issue
* FIX – Delete button was showing in front of the edit post modal
* FIX – Submit button is disabled on Edit Post modal
* FIX – Couldn’t close Edit popup modal since the close icon was getting overlay by the header
* FIX – Wrong alignment when required field is shown at the datetime picker
* FIX – Missing required message fields for datepicker and datetimepicker
* FIX – Patched validation method to fix label position when icon exists
* FIX – Styling options for required label mark
* FIX – Validation on next button click for multistep form
* FIX – javascript error when there is no map autocomplete field
* FIX – Conditional Logic issue on Edit Post Modal
* FIX – Conditional Logic issue for uppercase letter of Field ID
* FIX – Multistep previous and next icons where not showing up properly
* FIX – Renamed step icon to progress bar step icon
* FIX – Hide whole form (title and steps) when thank you message is shown
VERSION – 22/09/22
* FIX – Small bug with required image and checkbox fields not submitting
VERSION 2.0.4 – 22/09/22
* MOD – Improvement in our required checking. We now have realtime field checking for valid fields like email or number only.
* MOD – Settings to define required and failed pattern messages for each input
VERSION 2.0.3 – 20/09/22
* FIX – PHP notice when ajax submit
* FIX – Email empty lines issue when ajax submit
* FIX – Form Layout breaks issue
* FIX – Multistep form button issue
* FIX – Multistep form height issue when the image is added
* FIX – Adding custom required message
* FIX – Change default required message to be “This field is required.”
VERSION 2.0.2 – 12/09/22
* FIX – Missing file commit for Next button issue for multistep
* FIX – Multistep Progress bar issue for more than 1 forms in one page
* FIX – Form fields are hidden when off multistep option on visual builder
VERSION 2.0.1 – 07/09/22
* FIX – Next button issue when there is required fields in other step
* FIX – Add multiple custom taxonomy terms with input field and display issue
* FIX – Broken layout issue with speciality section
VERSION 2.0 – 01/09/22
* NEW ADDITION – Multistep Form
* NEW ADDITION – Hide Form Until Loaded feature and its preloading animations
* NEW ADDITION – Added exclude options for checkbox/radio/select auto-detect
* MOD – Add new taxonomy terms for taxonomy mapped input type field
* MOD – Improved edit form with all the fields – tested. Works better on page and also modal. Shows preview of the images now to edit.
VERSION – 05/08/22
* FIX – License key deactivate issue
* FIX – Register form password confirm validation issue
* FIX – Password field min/max input length setting for Registration form
* FIX – PHP error
VERSION – 01/08/22
* FIX – Fix small merge issue
* FIX – Recaptcha v2 Submit issue
* FIX – PHP 7.4 issue
* FIX – Add Project post type back
* FIX – License Checker issue
VERSION 1.2.5 – 22/07/22
* NEW ADDITION – Image Radio/Checkbox Type – video how to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4LHtHJg7_A
* MOD – moved “Hide Form After Successful Submission?” to Main Options Toggle
* FIX – EditPostButton module issue(Modal/Page settings display issue)
* FIX – Form Field Mapping for Project Post Type
* FIX – Edit Modal Data not getting
* FIX – Fix our code for text input focus
* FIX – Fix Post submit issue on multiple post forms in same page
* FIX – Form not hiding with layout notice and NOT ajax submission
* FIX – Fix PHP Notice
* FIX – Fix google v3 recaptcha issue
* FIX – Fix Conditional logic for number issue
* FIX – Divi Layout result is not showing when ajax submit
* FIX – Fix df_process_uploaded_files hook issue
VERSION 1.2.4 – 25/04/22
* NEW ADDITION – Post Object ACF field mapping
* MOD – Disabling submit button until required fields are filled(option added)
* FIX – hide after successful submission for ajax submission was not working
* FIX – Prevent submitting the form when the captcha(simple captcha) is empty
* FIX – Handling Captcha error for ajax submission
* FIX – Required Field checking issue and scrolling to the required field
* FIX – Required Field issue for its conditional logic
* FIX – Project custom post was not being shown on post creation
VERSION 1.2.3 – 07/04/22
* FIX – JS error
VERSION 1.2.2 – 07/04/22
* NEW ADDITION – New setting to hide form on submit success message
* MOD – Made the suibmit button disabled on submission
* MOD – Added ability to add fields in the subject of the form notifications
* MOD – Moved CSS files out of “styles” folder that are not needed in there
* MOD – upload files to email if no template is specified
* FIX – Subject being uploaded file
VERSION 1.2.1 – 10/03/22
* NEW ADDITION – Gallery Image Upload with mapping ACF Repeater/Group/Gallery fields. Just choose the ACF field and we will check if it is a group or gallery type
* MOD – Email Subject with merge tags
* MOD – Add Reply-to option for confirmation email setting
* MOD – New settings to change the text of
– login already logged in a text
– register, password confirm error text
* MOD – Added settings to customise the date and time picker formats
* FIX – Adding space between fields on email body when did not want (adding
VERSION 1.2 – 26/01/22
* NEW ADDITION – Ajax Submission for Contact Form ONLY – we will add for post creation etc later
– new setting to define the button text when submitting the form as ajax
* NEW ADDITION/MOD – Changed labels for email and added confirmation for the sender
– Email Notifications & Confirmation
* NEW ADDITION – Email notification & confirmation for all form types
– Added options to send the email to the author of the current post and also specify it using ACF for template files – check update video on YouTube or Docs
* NEW ADDITION – Better Image Upload Field & File Upload
– Upload files only after submit and spam check
– Multiple uploads with preview
– Preview Image
– Preview Name
– Preview Size
– Preview Cancel
– Progress bar when uploading
– Image or File upload will appear as an attachment to the email
– The featured image will show IN the email body
* NEW ADDITION – Signature Field
* NEW ADDITION – Custom Action URL for the Custom Form
* MOD – Image or Signature Field upload will appear on email if you add the %%field_id%%
– Signature & Featured image will show IN the email body
* MOD – Added setting to customise the padding got your labels and descriptions
* MOD – Added setting to customise the success and failed notices
* MOD – Made select2 scripts ONLY load if you enable in the form module
* MOD – Changed the sign up to newsletter checkbox to be the same as Divi appearance
– new settings in field options (design tab) to customise this
* FIX – Fixed multiple emails sending issue
* FIX – Conflict with Divi Mobile theme customiser
* FIX – Select Placeholder HTML messed up
* FIX – PHP warning with PHP 8
VERSION 1.1 – 22/12/21
* NEW ADDITION – Added setting to add icon on the input (layout options)
* NEW ADDITION – Password show/hide icon (layout options)
* NEW ADDITION – Added new field type (Content)
– Text: you can add text editor content
– Code: You can add code such as CSS and JS
– Divi Library: You can create a layout in the Divi Library and then show this here
* NEW ADDITION – Added setting to add a description above or below the field
* NEW ADDITION – Recaptcha v2 and v3
* NEW ADDITION – Added hidden field
– Add Page Name, Page URL, ACF or Custom Text
– This can be used to have a form in the Theme Builder and when submitted you know which post it was submitted from.
* NEW ADDITION – Added Honeypot captcha setting
* NEW ADDITION – Send Reply Email to sender, make the body different to the one sent to admin
* MOD – Added setting to define the select placeholder – default to “– Select Option –” and is disabled by default
* MOD – Put modules into folder “Divi Form Builder”
* MOD – Sender Name and Email from form fields
* MOD – DatePicker & TimePicker language
* MOD – Scroll Down to form after submission
* FIX – radio button style/appearance
* FIX – Google reCAPTCHA site key setting for v2
* FIX – Resubmission issue when reloading.
* FIX – Textarea Placeholder issue on Visual Builder
* FIX – Radio button icon issue
* FIX – Required Checkbox/radio group
VERSION 1.0.5 – 26/11/21
* FIX – Conditional Logic was not working
* FIX – Custom Contact Email issue
* FIX – Spacing issue for mapping field
* FIX – File/Image upload with ACF Field frontend form submission
VERSION 1.0.4 – 24/11/21
* MOD – Added CSS to remove border and background from date calender header
* FIX – Contact Form doesn’t send email to admin
* FIX – Add form submit result to “df_before_redirect” hook
* FIX – Placeholder text was not working on textarea field type
VERSION 1.0.3 – 23/11/21
* MOD – Changed wording on error messages for recipient error message
* FIX – 404 error on form submission when using ID’s that are reserved for WordPress (https://www.infinitypp.com/wordpress/easily-fix-wordpress-post-request-wont-return-return-404-form-submission/)
VERSION 1.0.2 – 22/11/21
* FIX – php error
VERSION 1.0.1 – 22/11/21
* Test License
VERSION 1.0 – 22/11/21
* Initial Beta Test Release