Divi Engine 2019 year review.

As we come to the end of the decade, 2019 has truly been a year to remember for us at Divi Engine. 

We truly appreciate all of you and so thankful for all our new customers. We thought it would be good to look back at the major things that happened over the year. 

Forum website

In February we launched our forum website, the idea is for general support, chat and feature requests. Our main form of support is emailing su*****@di********.com or filling out our form, but the forum has definitely helped in building up the community.

Better support, switched from tickets to email

We made a big change in how we offer support. We removed the sluggish way of using a ticket portal. It just took too long to log into the website and write a response and then log in again to answer. We changed to using email. It is much more personal and effective as we offer what we think is brilliant support from this.

Better documentation website 

In March we re-did all our documentation. We changed platforms to make it easier to update and keep on top of the fast updates we provide. We feel this has been a success.

Started to give money to the Sozo Foundation for every purchase 

In April we started our giving scheme. When you make a purchase at Divi Engine, we will give a gift on your behalf to the Sozo Foundation! You can read more about it here: https://diviengine.com/every-purchase-we-give-a-gift-to-the-sozo-foundation/

April 19 – Dec 19 we have given:

  • 1115 hours of tutoring for school children
  • 200 sessions of a 10-week skills course for a school child
  • 269 school lunches
  • Internet access for 228 school children for project research
  • 196 training sessions for a student to be a baker
  • 68 Educentre sessions for a school child (http://thesozofoundation.org.za/educentre/)

Added lifetime licenses for all plugins 

We had many customers asking for lifetime licenses for our plugins. We have this option on all our plugins now. Some you can still have annual, but if you are an agency and do not want recurring payments, you can order a lifetime license.

New plugin, Divi Mobile

We launched our newest plugin, Divi Mobile towards the end of the year. It is one of my favourite as is simple and makes the mobile site so much nicer.

Plugin Updates

We have added the following (major features) to our plugins over the year. The list is too long so we will leave the minor modifications out

Divi BodyCommerce

  • Input field customiser
  • Added sharing icons
  • Added ability to design the thank you page using the builder
  • 20+ modules added
  • Added ability to customise the password reset steps
  • Added ability for you to create the layout for the “view order details” in the account area
  • Ability to customise the notification boxes globally
  • Custom checkout page
  • Full Visual Builder compatibility
  • Added ability to specify the template for the attribute archive page
  • Added the ability to use a shortcodes to display various
  • New Slide in Mini Cart
  • Added the ability to choose the “primary” category for the custom layouts
  • Added compatibility for the product sliders to have lightbox and variation image change
  • Ability to import and export the settings for BodyCommerce to use on other sites
  • Added ability to make an “out of stock” custom badge
  • Custom Pagination
  • Added ability to add custom CSS and JS to your website
  • Payment Methods layout in account

Divi Nitro

  •  Added leverage browser caching
  • Added Gzip compression
  • Added Enable keep-alive
  • Added Disable Image Hotlinking
  • Automatically defer section background images
  • Ability to export/import settings in Nitro Settings
  • More SPEED with Asynchronous CSS
  • Added ability to disable comments.js file
  • Added ability to disable jquery migrate

Divi Mega Menu

  • New module added – Mega Drop-down
  • Compatibility with Divi 4
  • Better JS

Divi Protect

  • Made it so that when you enter a password it will go back to the original position
  • Added ability to specify multiple passwords comma seperated in another input box
  • Added the password show/hide icon on the password section
  • Ability to choose if you scroll to the location of the form after submission


As you can see it has been a fruitful and busy year. We are so greateful for developing plugins to help you all. It is exciting to see what we did last year and what might happen this year. We wish you all the blessed and happy year, full of joy and purpose. Enjoy and remember to make time for those you love!


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