Divi 4.14 WooCommerce Update: New Modules for Cart & Checkout and then some

The Divi Team has done it again and released yet another update that further deepens the already fantastic WooCommerce functionality and integration. It feels like Christmas is early with all these updates, but hey, we are not complaining at all. Clearly, the folks at Elegant Themes want to finish the year with a bang.

Now this update was not limited to adding some new WooCommerce modules, it also brings some smart UI changes that simplify navigating the ever-growing number of modules. In today’s post, we will talk about the main changes brought with Divi 4.14, then also how it affects BodyCommerce.

Video Update

What was Added?

Divi added 8 NEW WooCommerce modules to help you build better-looking Cart and Checkout pages using the Divi Theme Builder. Just as you were using the Divi Theme Builder to create your Product pages, you will now just use the designated modules for cart and checkout.

Cart Modules

Woo Cart Products
Displays all the products that have been added to the cart.
Woo Cart Totals
Shows the total amount due and allows you to advance to checkout.
Woo Cart Cross Sells
Allows you to Cross Sell related products on the cart page.

New Divi Cart Modules

Checkout Modules

Woo Checkout Billing
Allows the user to endter their billing address.
Woo Checkout Shipping
Allows the user to endter their shipping address.
Woo Checkout Details
Shows the user a brief summary of the items in the cart.
Woo Checkout Information
Allows the user to add additional notes or information on the order.
Woo Checkout Payment
Displays your configured payment options.

New Divi Checkout Modules

UI Changes

The Divi Engine Dev Team is so excited by one of the UI updates, that they decided to already include it in the latest versions of BodyCommerce and Divi Machine. The UI allows you to sort different modules into folders instead of just having them all displayed by default. This is a much cleaner approach that will help users get to the content they want faster.


Divi Modules Before


Divi Modules After

Does this affect BodyCommerce?

The Divi Engine Team was lucky enough to get our hands on the new update in advance to make sure that there would be no issues or conflicts with the new Divi update. In our testing, we only came across one issue when you attempt to use a custom template in the Divi Theme Builder in conjunction with one of our custom checkout templates. Don’t do that…pretty please. It still works perfectly if you use either/or, but you will have some issues if you try and use BOTH.

Other than that, we did NOT find any bugs, but that doesn’t mean you won’t. Please let us know if you find anything misbehaving and our dev team will get right on it.

That said, we are excited for this new update as it plays well into Divi BodyCommerce and the 100’s extra features it brings to Divi and WooCommerce. This new update gives you a little bit of extra freedom, but if you want full control over how your WooCommerce store looks and functions, definitely take a look at Divi BodyCommerce.

The Divi Team releasing another new set of features…


We are always excited when there is a new Divi update that adds new features and functionality. It just shows what a great community we are a part of. Hopefully, this quick overview of the new Divi Update was helpful and interesting for you. What is your favorite feature? Tell us in the comments below!

Also, definitely check out the official post by Elegant Themes to see firsthand what the new Divi Update brings.


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