Let’s Talk About Our Plugin Module Naming Conventions

This topic has been a point of some contention for a number of our awesome customers, and we hear you. Having all of our modules at the top of all of the other Divi Modules can be annoying, especially when you have to scroll to the bottom to find what you are looking for. And what are the (dots) anyway, file extensions? We get it. And believe it or not, there is some method behind the madness due to the complexity of plugins like BodyCommerce and Divi Machine.

The good news is that we are going to fix this shortly with all of our plugins going forward, so let’s just quickly first review that method in the madness I mentioned earlier, and then take a look at the road forward.

The Infamous “dot” Prefix Explained

So these prefixes came to life because in the olden Divi days the modules were sorted in a different way and it made sense to clearly distinguish the Divi Engine modules from the stock Divi Modules. Trust me, we tested this with our customers and this was the solution voted by your peers. That doesn’t mean that this is the best way going forward. 

We put careful thought into the naming convention for our modules because of their versatility. Some modules can be used on a loop layout and on the product page, so what is the best way to represent that?

Let’s deconstruct the madness.

Divi Engine Module Dot Prefix Explained


This is how we group modules together so that you can quickly identify which ones can work together. It will also indicate where the module can be used. .PL in this example indicates that this module can be used in a Product Page and Loop Layout. Other abbreviations could be .CHP for Checkout Page or .AP for Account Page modules and so forth. Once you grasp that, it all becomes much easier to understand and use to its full potential.


This clearly states what the core purpose or function of this module is. In our example, this module is used to add a product to the cart, which makes sense. This is something you’d want to maybe do in a Loop Layout, but definitely in a Product Page. This again speaks to the sometimes complex versatility of our plugins.


This will further clarify where you should be using the modules for one of our plugins. We know this can all be confusing when you get started, but we promise we are doing everything we can to keep things clear and concise. 

The Road Forward

We realize that our method has maybe become a little dated and we are listening to your feedback. The Divi Development team has also released a new UI Update in Divi 4.14 that allows us to sort different modules into folders instead of just having them all displayed by default next to the stock Divi Modules. This is a much cleaner approach that will help users get to the content they want faster.

So here is what we are changing:


With this new Divi UI, we have already started updating all of our plugins that have multiple modules to be stored in folders within the Insert Module screen. This will make it easy to find the relevant modules when scrolling through the Stock Divi Modules.

Take a look below for a preview.


BodyCommerce Module Names Before


Divi Modules After

The (dot)

Screenshot and kiss that (dot) goodbye baby! With the ability to sort our modules in folders, we no longer need to group all our modules together. Before without the dot, it was all jumbled up amongst the Divi modules and looks odd. The rest of the naming convention explained earlier in this article will remain the same, we are just dropping the .

A dot has been crossed and we are fixing it…


And that is it, folks. We will always continue to listen and evolve as we hear your constructive feedback, but more than anything, want to continue supporting you in getting the most out of your investment in any of our plugins. We are here because of you folks, so please never stop sharing your thoughts and struggles around any Divi Engine plugin or service.

If you have any other suggestions, please send them through the support channels available to you. 

You can also check out the documentation on our Module Naming Conventions.

1 Comment

  1. You should never have started out tit the dot your Naming Conventions never make any sense at all it looked more like a
    “sentence convention” and all this just to be on top of he module list
    Better have a look at how elementor plugins/modules look.

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