How to get WooCommerce New Order Alerts on your Mobile Device




5-10 Minutes


  • Basic knowledge of WooCommerce and WordPress.
  • WooCommerce is already installed and configured.
  • You have some products already loaded into WooCommerce.
  • You have a smart device connected to the internet available.



WooCommerce 5.3

🚨 Important Update 🚨

Unfortunately, the app by Monkey Data we used for WooCommerce Order Alerts has been discontinued, so this method no longer works.

There is good news though, WP Enhanced is launching WP Order Alerts which not only fills this gap but gives you a better way to get instant WooCommerce Order Alerts on your mobile devices for free.

Check them out and sign up for early access below.

WooCommerce is our go-to for WordPress eCommerce sites and wow, we have seen our BodyCommerce customers build all sorts of sites that look amazing selling from Surfboards to Flowers. That is pretty widespread, so it goes without saying that these sites probably have many different requirements and timelines, especially when it comes to getting notified of a new order coming in. Today we will show you how you can get live WooCommerce New Order Alerts on your mobile device with every sale without even needing any additional 3rd party plugins for FREE. This will work on both your favorite Apple and Android devices and only takes a few minutes to set up.

Email alerts are great for learning that there is a new order in the books, but this can sometimes be a little slow and would often be limited to one recipient at a time. Wouldn’t it be easier to have a dedicated device, or even multiple devices, that gets pinged every time you make an online sale on your WooCommerce site? Once you have your WooCommerce New Orders being pushed to your mobile devices, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Let’s quickly take a look at what types of WooCommerce stores could benefit from getting New Order Alerts almost instantly.


How to get WooCommerce New Order Alerts on your Mobile Device

What types of businesses could benefit from instant WooCommerce New Order Alerts?

So now that we know why it is important to get our WooCommerce New Order Alerts on our mobile device, let’s take a look at how it could impact different types of eCommerce sites.


In the fast past environment, it is of the utmost importance to get orders ready and out on time, and more often than not getting an email notification will just not be fast enough to get an order made and ready for pickup. Restaurants often already have dedicated devices for orders, so why not combine that with getting your WooCommerce New Order notifications on your mobile device. Nothing is worse than having a customer show up before the order is ready or maybe even not noticed yet. Welcome to never missing a takeout order again!

Service Based Businesses

Much like the restaurant industry, time is money in service-based businesses. Personal trainers, hairdresser, pretty much anybody that gets booked by timeslots need to know when someone is coming in or when they are expected to be somewhere. Getting notified right on their mobile device the moment bookings happen will make sure that you are ready for game time. This can also be a huge help for businesses like Florists where people need their orders tended to in a timely manner and often local pickup/delivery options are used.

How to set up WooCommerce New Order Alerts using Order Alert

Great news! To get your WooCommerce New Orders Alerts sent right to your mobile device is extremely easy and you don’t need to write any code or even install additional 3rd party plugins that could slow down your site. We use an app that is available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store called Order Alert for WooCommerce by the team at MonkeyData. This app is free and is so simple to set up, your 2-year-old could do it for you. You can follow along in the video below, or skip to text instruction if that is more your jam!

Video Tutorial

Text Instructions

If you prefer to quickly copy and paste the text and settings for this tutorial, please scroll down and you will see everything as it relates to the steps found in the video tutorial.

Step 1) Download Order Alert on your Mobile Device

Using your favorite mobile device, head over to its app store and search for “Order Alert for WooCommerce” by MonkeyData.
Install Order Alert for FREE.

IMPORTANT: Allow both Notifications and Access to the camera when prompted.

Step 2) Generate an API key

Head back to your WordPress install.
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API > Add Key
Description: Give it a descriptive name, it does not really matter what it is.
User: Select the WordPress user for whom this key is, this could be any active admin user.
Permissions: Set to Read/Write
Click on Generate Key

IMPORTANT: Make sure the permissions are set to Read/Write, it will not work when setting up the app if this is not set correctly!

Step 3) Connect Order Alert to the API key

Now, on your mobile device, open the Order Alert for WooCommerce app.
If you have not yet done so, enable notifications, this is very important.
When prompted to add a new store, tap continue.
Agree to the terms and conditions, then continue.
Allow access to your device camera, then scan the QR code on your WordPress site.
Confirm the email address for the assigned user and enter your WooCommerce install URL then continue.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the same email address for the user selected when creating the API key as well as using the URL for your site where you created the API key.

Step 4) Test!

On the back of your site go to WooCommerce > Orders > Add Order
Set order Status to Complete
Add an Item to the Order
Click Create

You should a notification on your phone that a new order was placed pretty much instantly!

PRO-TIP: If you don’t have any products in your database to test with, check out this tutorial on Importing WooCommerce Sample Data.

Ding! Ding! All done 😁

How to get WooCommerce New Order Alerts on your Mobile Device


See, getting your WooCommerce New Order Alerts on your Mobile Device is super easy and it is almost unbelievable that it is free! This is a huge value add for your clients and just makes your a rockstar dev for coming up with solutions to problems they probably did not even know they had. That is what it is all about, bringing value to our customers. If you want to even further extend the value you bring to your eCommerce clients, definitely check out our plugin BodyCommerce with over 61 custom modules and enhancements that will help you continue being the rockstar dev you are!


  1. Doesn’t work. Get a connection error when trying to connect to the URL.

  2. Hi,
    when I check my order notification on my mobile, the custom fields I have for each product does not appear. This is important as I have some order details there that I would like to see. Can you help please? 🙂 Thanks

  3. App couldn’t connect with my WooCommerce website.
    It seems that this app not working now.
    I’ll be appreciate if this app works great for me because I need this app really.

  4. Not working – won’t connect.

  5. Not working – won’t connect.

  6. Doesn’t seem to be working with the newer version of woo

    • Thanks for the heads up! We will test this when we have a second and update if needed.

  7. Tried to set this up but got a json error. No idea what to do.

  8. It seems not to work. Can not connect. Probably not compatible with Woo 6.8.x
    20 combinations of url, sure that api was read/write by the same email admin etc., differents admin emails, try older api turned on, everything and…. nothing 🙁

    • Tried to set this up but got a json error. No idea what to do.

  9. Hi,
    It looks nice…
    I have to ask:
    1. if it shows the picture of the products in the order or in the future will be this added?
    2. can it automatically print the order? (the mobile device is connected to a bluetooth printer)

  10. Hello me following but Json error.

  11. Hi,

    What ever I put in the URL filed it will not be accepted. My site is
    And it worked properly all the way till where I need to put my mail and my site URL.

    Can you please tell me how this URL can be right and correct?


    • Hi,

      Were you able to get it working?

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