How to Get Started with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) in Divi

Divi Custom Post Types, but with BLING

Advanced Custom Fields go together with Divi Customer Post Types like macaroni and cheese baby! It is just SO much better with it and you should never again build a site with Custom Post Types that does not include this enhancing plugin.

No, really.

Advanced Custom Fields or ACF as it is affectionately called in the community adds depth and complexity to your Divi Custom Post Types and you know what that means… more bespoke Divi websites.

More in this series.

I hear some folks out there already, “Why don’t you just use the tools already in WordPress and Divi to add some Custom Fields to your Custom Post Types?“. This is a valid question, but if you followed along with our post on Adding Custom Post Types to Divi WITHOUT a Plugin you see why this is not the best solution.

The truth is that vanilla Divi does NOT give you a ton of flexibility when it comes to adding Custom Fields. You are limited to text fields, you can’t really group them, and displaying them can get confusing. This is why we prefer using a powerful and very free plugin called Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). Now, there is a PRO version, but the free version is already all that is needed in most cases for most users.

With Advanced Custom Fields installed on your Divi site, you can add many different fields types like range sliders or images, they can be grouped, and you can use some basic conditional logic to control how they are used.

Let’s take a look at how we can use this incredibly functional plugin to expand our Recipe Custom Post Type.

Video Tutorial

Fields so Advanced & Custom like Xzibit is about to show up.


Yeah, you thought we were one adding value by teaching you how to add custom post types to your Divi sites without code, but little did you know that we were just getting started. Advanced Custom Fields create a lot more context to your Divi Custom Post Types and enable you to offer a new level of custom Divi Website development.

Now you should definitely stick around because we will be covering more valuable skills in this series such as building layouts for your custom post types and fields using the Divi Theme Builder.

Definitely head to our Youtube Channel and subscribe to make sure you don’t miss a single thing because this is going to be valuable for you and your design agency!

Catch you folks next week!

Check these out
The Easiest Way to Add and Display Custom Post Types in Divi
How to Style a Custom Post Type Template using the Divi Theme Builder
How to Get Started with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) in Divi
How to Add a Custom Post Type to Divi without a Plugin
WordPress Custom Post Types and Custom Fields. What are they? And Why You Should Care!


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