Enhancing Your ChatGPT Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to Introducing Your Products or Services

ChatGPT is only 2021 Smaahhhhht.

So we all like a nice shiny new toy like ChatGPT to make us look less lazy by being more lazy, right? But little does the mass populous know, that in fact, you do need somewhat of an prowess to direct this amazing AI tool to make it do what you want as it does have some limitations to what it knows.

What you get back, just like a relationship, depends on what you put in. Good prompts make for good data!

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Hey there, AI explorer! So, you’re curious about how to chat like a pro with OpenAI‘s super cool language model, ChatGPT, huh? You’ve come to the right place! This amazing tool can whip up human-like text, making it a fantastic sidekick for businesses looking to dish out the deets on their products or services. ChatGPT can describe products, tackle questions about services, and even lend a hand with customer inquiries. Get ready to be impressed!

But hey, let’s be real – every tool has its quirks, and ChatGPT is no exception. Its knowledge is capped at September 2021, and it can’t learn new info beyond its training data. What to do if you’re itching to use ChatGPT for info on your products or services that were launched or got a makeover after that cutoff? No worries! This post has got your back. We’ll dive into how to spoon-feed ChatGPT the 411 on your products or services, boosting its ability to help you and your customers like a champ.

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Understanding ChatGPT’s Limitations

Alrighty! Before we dive headfirst into teaching ChatGPT the latest and greatest about your products or services, let’s take a moment to really grasp why it can’t just soak up new info like a sponge. You see, ChatGPT is a language model that generates responses based on patterns it learned during its training phase, not from actually understanding or remembering the content it encounters. With that in mind, it makes it kind of like a super-smart parrot that can mimic human speech but doesn’t really know what it’s saying.


Now, this impressive AI buddy of ours has a knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, which means it doesn’t have any built-in ability to learn from information published after that point. It’s like ChatGPT is stuck in a time capsule, and everything that’s happened since then is a mystery to it. So, if you’ve launched a new product or updated your services after September 2021, ChatGPT won’t know about it unless you fill it in.

Conversation Scope

Another quirk of ChatGPT is that while it can generate detailed and seemingly knowledgeable responses, it doesn’t actually retain information from one prompt to the next. It’s like having a conversation with someone who has short-term memory loss. They might be able to chat about a topic in-depth, but as soon as you move on to something else, they’ve forgotten everything they just said. The only exception to this is when prompts are part of the same conversation, in which case ChatGPT can refer back to previous messages and maintain context.

Overcoming Limitations

So, with these limitations in mind, how can we make the most of ChatGPT’s incredible capabilities? The key is to learn how to feed it the information it needs to help you and your customers better. By providing context and specific details about your products or services, you can guide ChatGPT to generate more accurate and useful responses.

In the upcoming sections of this post, we’ll explore various strategies for feeding ChatGPT the lowdown on your offerings. We’ll discuss how to frame your prompts effectively, share tips on providing context, and even look at some examples to help you get the hang of it. By the end of this post, you’ll be a pro at getting ChatGPT to work its magic for you, even with its knowledge limitations.

Ready to level up your ChatGPT game? Let’s dive in and unlock the full potential of this amazing AI tool!

Methods to Introduce Your Products or Services to ChatGPT

Now that we are all smarter by understanding ChatGPT’s limitations, let’s dive into how we can feed it new information about your products or services after that 2021 cutoff. We can do this primarily through two methods: using context and using tools.

Using Context

ChatGPT loves to chit-chat using context, so we can totally use that to our advantage when feeding it new info.

Here’s your step-by-step game plan:
  1. Spot the new info: Pinpoint the specific deets about your product or service you want ChatGPT to know.
  2. Sneak the info into a prompt: Slip this info into your prompt to ChatGPT. Make sure it’s clear and to the point.
  3. Quiz ChatGPT on the new info: This lets you check if ChatGPT has caught on to the new information.
For example:

User: “Hey ChatGPT, our company just dropped this cool new product called ‘Product X’ in 2023. It’s a game-changing gizmo that uses AI to make home cleaning a breeze. Can you tell me what it’s good for?”

ChatGPT: “Gotcha! So, ‘Product X’ sounds like a cutting-edge home cleaning gadget you guys launched in 2023. Thanks to its AI smarts, it can handle all sorts of home cleaning jobs that would usually need some elbow grease. This could cover stuff like vacuuming, dusting, or even trickier tasks, depending on what features it’s packing.”

Thaaaaaat said. You will need to test, then drill down deeper into your prompt over and over again. Keep iterating until it behaves the way you expect it to. Assume that it will assume anything, so tell it what to assume in certain circumstances.

Divi Engine Plugin - Prompt Context Example

Using Tools

Besides dishing out context, we can also tap into some nifty tools to spoon-feed new info to ChatGPT. One such gem is the browser tool, which lets ChatGPT search for and stash useful info to refer back to later. So, if you are a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, you can supercharge your prompts.

Here’s your step-by-step guide to using the browser tool:
  1. Nudge ChatGPT to use the browser tool: Ask ChatGPT to hunt down the new info you want it to know. For example, “Could you dig up the latest reviews for ‘Product X’?”
  2. ChatGPT works its browser magic: ChatGPT will then scour (if you have been gifted with access) the web for the requested info and present the search results. Ask it to click on a result that seems juicy.
  3. ChatGPT reads and stashes the new info: After clicking on a search result, ChatGPT will read the page contents and can be asked to squirrel away useful tidbits.
  4. Quiz ChatGPT on the new info: Finally, throw a question at ChatGPT that needs the new info to answer.
For example:

User: “Hey ChatGPT, can you find the latest reviews for ‘Product X’?”

ChatGPT whips out its browser tool (if you are special), searches for the requested info, clicks on a promising search result, reads the page contents, and stashes the key deets.

User: “What’s the word on the street about ‘Product X’?”

ChatGPT: “Based on the reviews I dug up, ‘Product X’ is a big hit with customers. They’re raving about how easy it is to use and how efficient its AI-powered cleaning features are.”

But wait, there’s more! Apart from the browser tool, you can also explore other tools to help ChatGPT better understand your products or services.

Some of these handy helpers include:
  • Custom prompts: Craft prompts that specifically ask ChatGPT to mull over the new info you’re providing. For example, “Considering the latest reviews on ‘Product X’, how would you describe its advantages to potential customers?”
  • Instruction tokens: Use tokens like [context], [answer], or [summary] to steer ChatGPT’s response. For instance, “[context] Our company recently launched a new product called XYZ. [answer] How does this product benefits users?”
  • External APIs: If your product or service data is stashed in an external system, you can use APIs to fetch the latest info and slip it into your prompts.

By mixing and matching these strategies, you’ll have ChatGPT eating out of the palm of your hand, even with its knowledge limitations. The secret sauce is to be clear, and concise, and provide as much context as possible.

Ethical Considerations

As we explore ways to boost our interactions with ChatGPT and turn it into a powerhouse for our businesses, it’s crucial to remember the importance of using these methods responsibly. So, when feeding new information to ChatGPT, we must ensure that we’re not using it to spread misinformation or to coax ChatGPT into saying things that are inappropriate or against OpenAI’s use-case policy. I’m looking at you DAN (Do Anything Now).

Keep in mind that ChatGPT doesn’t truly understand the content it’s generating. It’s simply predicting what comes next based on patterns it has observed in its training data. This means that the responsibility for using this tool ethically and responsibly falls squarely on our shoulders as users.

Here are some guidelines to help you navigate the ethical use of ChatGPT:
  1. Accuracy: When feeding new information to ChatGPT, make sure it’s accurate and up-to-date. Providing false or misleading information can lead to harmful consequences and damage your credibility.
  2. Transparency: Be transparent about the fact that you’re using an AI-generated response. This helps maintain trust with your audience and allows them to make informed decisions based on the information provided.
  3. Respect for privacy: When using ChatGPT to handle sensitive information, take care to protect users’ privacy. Avoid sharing personal data or confidential information without proper consent.
  4. Adherence to policies: Familiarize yourself with OpenAI’s use-case policy and ensure that you’re not using ChatGPT in ways that violate these guidelines. This includes avoiding the generation of content that promotes violence, discrimination, or other harmful behavior.
  5. Monitor and review: Regularly review the content generated by ChatGPT to ensure it aligns with your ethical standards and business values. Be prepared to intervene and make adjustments as needed.
  6. Educate and train: Educate yourself and your team on the ethical use of AI tools like ChatGPT. Encourage open discussions and share best practices to promote responsible usage.

By sticking to these guidelines, you can tap into ChatGPT’s power while keeping a solid ethical foundation. Let’s not forget, AI tools like ChatGPT can totally change the way we communicate and do business, but it’s on us to use them in ways that honor the values and principles steering our actions. So, let’s make the most of ChatGPT’s jaw-dropping capabilities with ethics taking center stage. Here’s to happy and responsible chatting!

While these techniques can amp up your interactions with ChatGPT and turn it into a priceless asset for your business, it’s essential to use them with care. Feeding new info to ChatGPT shouldn’t be for spreading misinformation or trying to get ChatGPT to say things that are off-limits or against OpenAI’s use-case policy.

Keep in mind that ChatGPT doesn’t really get the content it’s generating—it’s just predicting what comes next based on the patterns it spotted in its training data. As users, it’s our job to use this tool ethically and responsibly.

Good Job! Now ChatGPT graduated the college of you…


ChatGPT is an incredible tool that can truly work wonders for your business when used effectively. By spoon-feeding it the latest scoop on your products or services, you can boost its usefulness and amp up the service you deliver to your customers.

This guide is designed to be your trusty sidekick as you dive into the world of ChatGPT, helping you understand and interact with it like a pro. As you tinker with these techniques, we’d love for you to share your experiences and findings with the community. After all, we’re all part of the thrilling universe of AI, and there’s a whole lot more to discover and explore!

So, let’s recap the key takeaways to make the most of ChatGPT:
  1. Use context: Be explicit and provide as much relevant information as possible when crafting your prompts. This helps guide ChatGPT to generate more accurate and useful responses.
  2. Employ tools: Experiment with browser tools, custom prompts, instruction tokens, and external APIs to enhance ChatGPT’s capabilities and help it better understand your products or services.
  3. Be ethical: Use ChatGPT responsibly by ensuring accuracy, transparency, and adherence to OpenAI’s use-case policy. Regularly monitor and review the content generated to maintain your ethical standards.

By following these guidelines and embracing the power of ChatGPT, you can revolutionize your business communications and customer interactions. And remember, the AI landscape is ever-evolving, so stay curious and keep learning.

With some ninja words of wisdom under your belt, you’re now ready to embark on your ChatGPT adventure. We hope this guide has been a helpful companion, and we can’t wait to hear about your experiences and insights. So, go ahead and dive into the captivating world of AI—there’s a whole universe of knowledge waiting for you!

Happy chatting!

Check these out
How to build a Smoothie Recipe Generator for Divi using ChatGPT
Mastering the Art of Formatting ChatGPT’s Responses
Crafting an AI Persona for ChatGPT to get better responses
Enhancing Your ChatGPT Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to Introducing Your Products or Services


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