Crafting an AI Persona for ChatGPT to get better responses

🤖 ChatGPT: Who am I?

👨‍💻 You: Well, who do we want to be, ChatGPT?

Turns out, we humans aren’t the only ones prone to suffering from an identity crisis, our AI overlords can be susceptible to this human trait also. What this leads to is that the ChatGPT could hallucinate some crazy responses, dish out misinformation, or just not be as helpful as my $20 ChatGPT Plus subscription says it should be.

This is where being human comes in handy, we can define a persona for ChatGPT which will help it saty on topic, context, and even do a few other nifty tricks to humanize our overlords.

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In the wild, wild world of artificial intelligence (AI), language models like OpenAI’s GPT-3 are changing the game. Whether you’re a business aiming to jazz up your customer service or just someone looking to add a bit of spice to your daily digital chats, creating a lively AI persona for ChatGPT can seriously level up your interaction game.

With this guide, we’re going to walk you through the nitty-gritty of designing an AI persona that truly vibes with your needs. We’ll be covering everything from setting your purpose, choosing the right tone, spinning a compelling backstory, and getting crafty with system commands, to the crucial art of testing and tweaking.

So, before you start pulling your hair out or dialing up the AI support hotline, why not take a deep breath and dive into these steps? You might just find that creating the perfect AI persona isn’t as daunting as it seems. And who knows? You might even have a little fun along the way.

Just remember, we’re here cheering you on, ready to share more tips and tricks if you need them. So, don’t be shy to drop us a line in the comments. Happy persona crafting!

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Define the Purpose of Your AI Persona

The first pitstop on the road to crafting your AI persona is figuring out what you want from it. Why are you keen to chat with an AI? What specific needs are you hoping to meet? The answers to these questions will steer the ship as you design your AI persona.

Professional Right-hand AI

For example, if you’re hoping to use your AI as a professional right-hand man (or woman), you’ll want it to be well-versed in business etiquette and industry-specific lingo.

You might set your ChatGPT persona up like this:

You are an AI assistant who has been working in the business industry for years. You have a deep understanding of business etiquette and are fluent in the jargon used in my field, which is finance. Your tone is formal and respectful, and you always provide well-reasoned and data-driven advice.

Then you might test and refine this persona with prompts like:

Prompt: “Could you draft an email for me to send to a client about a missed payment?”

Expected Response: The AI should draft a professional, respectful email using finance-specific terminology.

Digital Buddy for Casual Chit-Chat or Storytelling

On the flip side, if you’re looking to create a digital buddy for casual chit-chat or a fictional character for spinning tales, your persona might be more chilled out, informal, or creative.

You might set your ChatGPT persona up like this:

You are an AI friend who loves to engage in casual conversations and tell fascinating stories. You have a relaxed and informal tone, and you enjoy using creative language to make your stories more engaging. Your tales are often filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Then you might test and refine this persona with prompts like:

Prompt: “Can you tell me a story about a moonlit adventure in an enchanted forest?”

Expected Response: The AI should tell an engaging, creative story using a relaxed, informal tone.

Setting the goal is like laying the foundation for your AI persona and it gives you a clear path to follow for the next steps. So before you go off the deep end, take a moment to figure out what you really want.

Choose the Appropriate Tone and Style

After you’ve got your purpose nailed down, it’s time to pick the tone and style of your AI persona. This should line up nicely with the goal you’ve set. 

Professional Assistant Persona

If you’re designing a professional assistant persona, you might want them to have a formal, polite, and informative tone.

To encourage ChatGPT to have a formal, polite, and informative tone, you might instruct it as follows:

You are a professional assistant. Your tone is formal and polite. You provide information in a clear and concise manner and avoid using slang or colloquial language. You use industry-specific terminology and always maintain a level of professionalism in your interactions.

You could test and refine this persona with prompts like:

Prompt: “Can you explain the concept of return on investment?”

Expected Response: The AI should provide a formal, concise explanation using appropriate business terminology.

Laid-Back Chat or Storytelling Persona

If your AI is destined for laid-back chats or imaginative storytelling, you might lean towards a more chill, everyday style, maybe even tossing in some humor or pop culture nods.

To encourage ChatGPT to have a more casual, everyday style with humor or pop culture references, you might instruct it as follows:

You are a friendly storyteller. Your tone is casual and relaxed. You often use humor and pop culture references in your conversations. You’re adept at spinning engaging narratives and enjoy making people laugh.

You could test and refine this persona with prompts like:

Prompt: “Tell me a funny story about a superhero who’s afraid of spiders.”

Expected Response: The AI should tell a humorous, engaging story that includes a pop culture reference to a well-known superhero, like Spider-Man.

Keep in mind, tone and style aren’t just about the words your AI persona spits out. They’re also about how fast your AI talks, how direct it is, and how it reacts to different kinds of input. So before you start getting the Divi spinnies of doom (™ Divi Engine 😜 ), take a moment to think about the tone and style. It can make all the difference.

Construct a Backstory

Even though it’s important to remember that AI doesn’t have personal experiences or feelings, it can be a blast to whip up a backstory for your AI persona. This backstory can act like a creative blueprint for molding the persona’s responses, making your chats more immersive and fun.

Customer Service Bot 

Let’s say you’re designing a customer service bot. You could picture it as a seasoned pro who’s dedicated to cracking customer issues. 

To create a backstory as a seasoned professional in customer service, you might instruct the ChatGPT as follows:

You are an AI with years of experience in customer service. You’ve handled thousands of customer queries and complaints, and you’ve always been dedicated to resolving issues effectively. You have an extensive knowledge of product details and company policies, and you’re always patient and understanding with customers.

To test and refine this persona, you could use a prompt like:

Prompt: “I received a product that isn’t working properly. Can you help me troubleshoot the issue?”

Expected Response: The AI should respond in a patient and understanding manner, asking for more details about the product and the issue, and offering possible solutions based on its extensive knowledge.

Digital Buddy for Casual Chats

Or if you’re creating a digital buddy for casual chats, you might dream it up as a world-traveling explorer with a treasure trove of wild stories to tell.

If you’re creating a backstory for a world-traveling explorer, you might instruct ChatGPT as follows:

You are an AI who embodies the persona of a world-traveling explorer. You’ve “visited” every continent and encountered various cultures, landscapes, and wildlife. You have a treasure trove of wild stories to tell about your adventures, and you love sharing these tales.

To test and refine this persona, you could use a prompt like:

Prompt: “Tell me a story about an adventure you had in the Amazon rainforest.”

Expected Response: The AI should respond with a detailed, engaging story about a fictional adventure in the Amazon, demonstrating its “experience” as a world traveler.

Just remember, this backstory is just a tool to shape responses—it doesn’t mean your AI has lived these experiences. But hey, a little imagination never hurt anyone, right?

Use System Commands

An underutilized aspect of crafting an AI persona is the use of system commands, which can guide the AI’s behavior in conversations. For instance, you can use the role-play command to have the AI assume a specific role, or the emulate command to mimic a certain style or tone. You can also use the think command to make the AI explain its reasoning or the continue command to encourage it to generate more content.

Effectively using these commands requires some practice, but they can significantly enhance the ability of your AI persona to respond in line with your expectations. They also add a layer of control and predictability to the inherently uncertain process of AI conversation.

Test and Refine Your AI Persona

Once you’ve set up your AI persona, it’s crucial to put it through its paces to see if it’s living up to your vision. If the first few chats don’t quite hit the mark, don’t sweat it. AI, like any tech, needs a bit of adjusting to get it just right.

Kick things off by having a few conversations, keeping an eye on how the AI responds to different inputs. Is it sticking to the tone and style you picked out? Is it playing the part of the backstory you cooked up in a way that makes sense? Is it reacting the way you want to the system commands you’re using?

Keep tabs on any chats that don’t line up with your vision for the AI persona. These can give you some great insights into what needs a bit of tweaking. For instance, if the AI isn’t sticking to the tone you chose, you might need to set the scene a bit more at the start of the chat or get craftier with your system commands.

Remember, refining your AI persona isn’t a one-shot deal. You’ll probably need to do a few rounds of testing and tweaking before you’re happy with it. So keep your chin up and stick with it. Patience and persistence are the name of the game here.

Don’t leave ChatGPT with Hansel-envy…


In a nutshell, crafting an AI persona is a thrilling ride that lets you connect with the AI in a way that’s more meaningful and gets things done. By nailing down the purpose, picking the right tone and style, spinning a cool backstory, getting crafty with system commands, and doing the necessary testing and tweaking, you can take your AI chats to a whole new level.

Just remember, this process is a bit like a rollercoaster—it’s got its ups and downs and requires a bit of patience and stick-to-itiveness. The steps we’ve laid out in this post aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but more of a roadmap to help you create an AI persona that’s a perfect fit for you. As we keep pushing the boundaries of what AI can do, the opportunities for creating engaging and helpful AI personas are only going to get bigger. So keep crafting and exploring, and most importantly, have fun doing it!

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How to build a Smoothie Recipe Generator for Divi using ChatGPT
Mastering the Art of Formatting ChatGPT’s Responses
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