Mastering the Art of Formatting ChatGPT’s Responses

Teach Chat GPT some manners…

Spending all this time on teaching ChatGPT just who we need them to need not end there, we can have ChatGPT conform to various types of output to make us look smarter. Think of it as giving ChatGPT a fancy accent when the words fall out of its mouth.

By default, you’ll get some version of work salad, but by asking it in simple terms how you would like ChatGPT to response, you can be left with responses that require little to no editing.


Available Tutorial Series Installments…

This will update as we release more tutorial installments in the series.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a game-changer in the artificial intelligence world, no doubt about it. This smarty-pants AI has the ability to grasp and spit out text that’s so human-like, it’s uncanny! Whether it’s crafting professional emails, tutoring in diverse subjects, churning out creative content, or just shooting the breeze, ChatGPT has got it down pat. But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about what ChatGPT says, it’s also about how it serves up the info that can really turn up the dial on your user experience. And that, my friends, is where formatting struts its stuff.

Think about a well-written article you’ve read. It’s not just the words that make it good, right? It’s also about how it’s structured, how it looks, how it flows. Well, the same goes for responses from ChatGPT. A well-formatted response can make the text easier to read, draw the user in, and make the message crystal clear.

So, buckle up, because in this blog post, we’re diving headfirst into the fascinating world of formatting ChatGPT’s responses using Markdown and HTML. We’ll be exploring various formatting techniques and showing you how to get ChatGPT to use them, making your AI interactions as smooth as a hot knife through butter. Let’s get this show on the road!

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Understanding the Basics of Text Formatting in ChatGPT

Before we dive headfirst into the nitty-gritty of Markdown and HTML, let’s take a moment to wrap our heads around the whole idea of text formatting. What is it? Why do we need it? Well, at its heart, text formatting is all about arranging and tweaking text to make it more reader-friendly and pack a punch. It’s like a secret weapon that lets us structure content, add a dash of emphasis, and guide our readers’ understanding.

Think about it this way – you wouldn’t serve a gourmet meal as a mishmash of ingredients, would you? In the same way, raw text, no matter how beautifully written, can be a tough nut to crack without the right formatting. A clever use of headers, bullet points, bold and italic highlights, paragraphs, and more can turn a daunting text wall into a well-organized, enjoyable read.

Take a look at the structure of this blog post, for instance. The headers give you a clear roadmap, the paragraphs break down the info into bite-sized pieces, the bold text spotlights the key points, and the bullet points neatly line up multiple nuggets of information. All these formatting bells and whistles boost readability and jazz up the overall user experience.

Using Markdown to Format ChatGPT Responses

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that’s all about making text formatting on the web a piece of cake. It’s designed to be a breeze to write and read, with just a smidgen of syntax. But don’t let its simplicity fool you – Markdown can dish out some pretty sophisticated formatting results.

Markdown is like a Swiss army knife when it comes to the elements it supports. We’re talking headers, lists, emphasis (like bold and italics), links, images, and even code blocks. For instance, slap a single hash (#) at the start of a line, and voila – you’ve got a first-level header. And text wrapped up in double asterisks or underscores (**) gets the bold treatment.

When you’re having a chinwag with ChatGPT, you can whip out Markdown to ask for responses in specific formats. Let’s say you ask ChatGPT: Write a brief guide on making a good coffee, formatted as a Markdown list. You’re not just asking for content (a guide to brewing the perfect cup of joe), you’re also giving instructions on how that content should be structured (as a Markdown list).

Clever, right?


A possible response might be:

1. **Grind** your coffee beans just before brewing.
2. Use **fresh, cold water** heated to about 200°F.
3. Use **2 tablespoons** of coffee grounds for every 6 ounces of water.
4. **Brew** your coffee – the time will depend on your brewing method.
5. Enjoy your freshly brewed coffee and adjust the ratios to suit your taste.

You can see how the Markdown formatting makes the steps clear and easy to follow, while the bold emphasis draws attention to key actions or points.

Using HTML to Format ChatGPT Responses

While Markdown is like the friendly neighborhood guide to text formatting, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the big kahuna that offers more control and flexibility. It’s the go-to language for whipping up web pages, using tags to create all sorts of elements like headings, paragraphs, links, lists, images, and more.

HTML lets you get more fancy with your structuring than Markdown, making it the perfect choice for complex documents. For instance, when you’re asking ChatGPT for a response in HTML format, you could say: Write a brief guide on making a smoothie, formatted in HTML. With this, you’re telling the AI to not only cook up the content (a guide on blending the perfect smoothie) but also to structure it using HTML tags.


A possible response could be:

<h1>Smoothie Making Guide</h1>
<p>Follow these steps to make a delicious fruit smoothie:</p>
  <li>First, gather your ingredients. You'll need fresh fruits of your choice, yogurt, and ice.</li>
  <li>Add the ingredients to your blender. Start with the fruits, then add the yogurt, and finally the ice.</li>
  <li>Blend until smooth. The exact time will depend on your blender's power and the amount you're making.</li>
  <li>Enjoy your fresh, homemade smoothie! Experiment with different fruits and proportions to find your perfect blend.</li>

The HTML tags create a clear structure, guiding the reader through the steps.

Formatting Code Responses with ChatGPT

ChatGPT’s prowess in formatting isn’t confined to just plain old text – it’s got some serious chops when it comes to generating responses in specific code formats, like JSON. Now, this is a real game-changer for all the tech wizards out there – developers, data scientists, or anyone who’s knee-deep in work with APIs, databases, or data-driven applications.

Let’s say you’re working on a project and you need to create a JSON object for a user profile. You’ve got your hands full with other tasks and you’re looking for a quick solution. Well, that’s where ChatGPT comes in. All you need to do is give it a little prompt like: Generate a JSON object for a user profile with fields for 'Name', 'Age', 'Email', and 'Location'.

And just like that, ChatGPT gets to work and delivers what you need. It’s like having your own personal assistant that understands code. It saves you time, and effort, and lets you focus on other complex aspects of your project. Now, isn’t that cool?


A possible response could be:

  "Name": "John Doe",
  "Age": 35,
  "Email": "jo******@ex*****.com",
  "Location": "San Francisco, CA"

This feature of ChatGPT opens up an array of possibilities for using the AI in programming, development, and data analysis.

Advanced Formatting: Combining Markdown and HTML

Both Markdown and HTML have their own superpowers, but sometimes you might want to mix things up and use both. You can nestle Markdown right inside HTML and the other way around, as long as you don’t break any syntax rules of either language. It’s like having your cake and eating it too!

For example, you could give ChatGPT a nudge and say, Write a guide to brewing tea, formatted using both HTML and Markdown. And just like that, you’re using the best of both worlds. It’s like mixing chocolate and peanut butter – two great tastes that taste great together!


A possible response could be:

<h1>Guide to Brewing the Perfect Cup of Tea</h1>
<p>Follow these steps for a refreshing brew:</p>
  <li>Boil **fresh** water in a kettle.</li>
  <li>Place a teabag in your cup. The type of tea is up to your preference.</li>
  <li>Pour the boiled water into the cup, ensuring the teabag is fully immersed. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you want it.</li>
  <li>Remove the teabag, and enjoy your tea as is, or add milk, sugar, or lemon to taste.</li>

In this case, we’ve used HTML tags for the overall structure of the response, while using Markdown within those tags for emphasis on certain words.

Say it with me, good inputs, good outputs!


Mastering the art of using formatting in ChatGPT’s responses can seriously turbocharge the effectiveness and readability of the content it generates. It’s like adding a secret sauce to your interactions with the AI. Whether you’re using simple-as-pie Markdown for a quick grocery list, HTML for a more detailed tutorial, or a blend of both for a comprehensive blog post, the right formatting can make your conversations with ChatGPT more practical, easier on the eyes, and just a whole lot more fun.

By harnessing the power of formatting, you can take your ChatGPT experience from zero to hero. This isn’t just about making things look pretty – it’s about enhancing communication, making information more digestible, and getting the most out of this incredible AI tool.

So, don’t sit on the sidelines—jump in and start experimenting with formatting. Test the waters with different combinations, play around with various elements, and experience how it elevates your interactions with the AI. It’s like exploring a new language – the language of effective, engaging, and enjoyable communication.

And remember, we’re on this journey together. We’re eager to hear about your adventures in the world of formatting. Share your experiences, your brainwaves, and your questions – we’re all ears. Drop them in the comments below and let’s get the conversation started. Here’s to happy formatting and even happier communicating!

Check these out
How to build a Smoothie Recipe Generator for Divi using ChatGPT
Mastering the Art of Formatting ChatGPT’s Responses
Crafting an AI Persona for ChatGPT to get better responses
Enhancing Your ChatGPT Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to Introducing Your Products or Services


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