How to Improve SEO on WooCommerce Product Pages?

How do you ensure that your WooCommerce and its product pages are seen by your potential customers?

Well, first, you need to create those pages. 

Luckily, creating a web page today doesn’t require being a developer or a designer, as you can use Divi or other WordPress page builders, of which many support WooCommerce out-of-the-box, or you can add a WooCommerce plugin to it.

But what about getting traffic? How do you attract visitors to your product pages?

One way to get traffic to your e-commerce store or online business and eventually sell products on it is to embrace SEO fully.

This isn’t easy as search engine optimization is a long-term strategy, so here are a few tips to improve SEO on your WooCommerce product pages:

1. Select the Right Keywords

SEO always starts with keywords, be it a product page or a blog post.

Keywords are what your potential buyers will use to find what they need online. 

And they are usually very specific about it, so this is where long-tail keywords come in.

For example, if someone is looking for “Nike sneakers”, they’re almost certainly not ready to buy since this is a too wide search term (there are thousands of Nike sneakers out there).

However, if they’re looking for something like “Nike Blazer Vintage, size 10, male”, they are practically at the checkout, waving their credit card.

2. Ensure That the Page has Unique Content

The more you can insert your own voice to the product pages through unique content, the better.

Unfortunately, today most product pages are lazily written and simply copy-paste the description from the manufacturer’s site, but that can be an opportunity for your WooCommerce product pages to shine.

Make sure that your product pages are keyword-optimized and descriptive and this will greatly enhance the user experience and your chances of selling that item.

3. Start with a Descriptive Title

A good keyword might be necessary for your site and pages to get discovered in the first place, but it’s the title that makes visitors click to read.

You don’t need to get fancy with titles for product pages, but ensure that they’re descriptive, clear and that they include the keyword you want to rank the page for.

For example, a title like “Nike Blazer shoe” might not be descriptive enough and something like “Nike Blazer Retro Male Shoe” is a lot better and more likely to be clicked on.

4. Use Meta Descriptions

Meta description

Today many SEO “experts” believe that meta descriptions are no longer important.

That’s far from true and you should never forget to invest your time in creating a good meta description.

While users might not pay much attention to the meta descriptions you write, the search engine definitely will as these 150-160 characters help explain to it what your page is about, so be sure to include your keyword there as well.

5. Include High Quality Images and Alt Tags

Finally, how do you think to sell anyone your products if you don’t even show it to them?

Always include several high quality images of your product taken from different angles.

For example, take a look at how Nike showcases one of its shoes, “Nike Blazer Low Platform” from the left, bottom, right and top:

Add quality images to your products

Then, you can click on each image individually to enlarge it and get a better (still high-res) view of it.

In addition to having high-quality images in good resolution, also be sure to include the Alt tag

Alt tags are incredibly important for search engines as they still can’t tell (at least not very accurately) what the image is about. Instead, the Alt tag gives context to the image and boosts your SEO for it.

6. Add Product Categories

Product categories help visitors on your WooCommerce site more easily find what they are looking for.

If you have hundreds of products it can be difficult for users to navigate your site and find what they need. For this reason and to ensure a better user experience, you should use product categories.

Optimize each product category further by adding a title and a description. 

For example, if you’re selling sports clothes and equipment, you might have 3-4 “main product categories (“Men”, ”Women”, ”Kids” and perhaps one more like “New Releases” or “On Sale”).

From here, you can further diversify each to a new product category like “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Accessories” and so on and then each of those categories can have several of its own subcategories like “Basketball Shoes”, “Lifestyle”, “Running Shoes” and more.

For instance, take a look at how Nike divides its products into categories for easy navigation:

Product categories example

You might not have as many products to sell as Nike, but you should still make sure that your visitors and search robots can easily navigate your website and find what is relevant to them.

You might not have as many products to sell as Nike, but you should still make sure that your visitors and search robots can easily navigate your website and find what is relevant to them.

7. Add Product Reviews

Product reviews will help your WooCommerce SEO in two ways.

First, as each user has their own opinion, this will add some of that uniqueness that we were talking about in your content.

Second, and perhaps even more important, is that people who are visiting your product pages will often stop to check what others have said about that product and, as a result, will stay longer on your pages.

The more time visitors spend on your pages indicates to the search engine that those pages are worth recommending to other users and can boost your rankings.

On the other hand, if visitors spend very little time on your pages (aka they “bounce”), this is a bad sign for your SEO.

On top of that, having good reviews will help you sell the item much easier, while bad “1-star” reviews will do the opposite.


Creating a WooCommerce store doesn’t mean just adding a bunch of products, images, and a price tag and hoping that customers will flock to your online store.

First, they need to find your products and that’s why it’s important to use SEO.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you now know how to improve SEO on WooCommerce product pages.

Nick Huss

Nick Huss is a digital entrepreneur and business enthusiast who is constantly seeking and testing new ways of doing business better. When not doing business Nick plays soccer, travels the World and writes books.


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