Divi AI is here and we want to talk about it

Divi AI is here and ready to join your portfolio of AI tools to help enable you to get more done ♫ Harder Better Faster Stronger ♫ …do it. Ok, I’m done…for now.

But in all seriousness, AI is busy transforming the way all of us work and those of us not embracing it will soon get left behind choking on the dust of those that did. Elegant Themes have been hinting at some AI integration for a while now and here it is offered as an add-on to the already amazing Divi Theme as a subscription service for as low as $14.40 per month if you sign up now with the introductory discount.

Divi AI has also not dodged controversy with its launch with many users speaking out on Reddit and other platforms for various reasons, so that is why we felt we should take a closer look and address some of these issues that have been raised.

With that, here follows a (somewhat) unbiased look at Divi AI by starting at what it does today, then delving into some of the issues.

What is Divi AI, and what can it do?

Divi AI takes everything we know and love about artificial intelligence and integrates it into your website creation process. Having Divi AI directly engineered right into the Divi page builder enables you to generate images, text, and other creative assets effortlessly as you design your pages. No more multiple tabs with multiple AI tools all over the place.

It is important to note that Divi AI is free for the first 100 uses per Elegant Themes account. This means that if your inquisitive clients see a fancy new AI button and start playing with it, they are using your credits. It is not per API key or install, it is per subscription, so keep that in mind. We have included a snippet in the Controversy section of this post which will hide the button from clients.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at how this Divi AI creative partner can assist you with a myriad of tasks:

Image Creation

One of the standout features of Divi AI is its capacity to generate unique images. Whether you need logos, graphics, lifestyle photos, or abstract art, all you need to do is describe your vision in a text prompt.

For instance, you could prompt “An abstract painting of your momma’s house with purple and blue tones and light streaks” for a homepage hero image. Or perhaps you need an infographic; simply prompt “A comic book style infographic explaining the benefits of McDonald’s with illustrated regret”.

The sky is the limit with Divi AI. Each prompt generates a new image, allowing you to refine and iterate until you achieve your desired outcome.

Crafting Top-Notch Copy and Content

Divi AI simplifies the process of writing website copy. It can generate everything from catchy headlines and button text to comprehensive blog posts.

Just describe your topic, and Divi AI will draft unique, engaging copy for you in no time. For example, prompt it to “Write a 300-word blog post about the top 5 tips for beginner spelunkers.”

Divi AI can even propose blog post ideas and outlines, making the writing process a breeze.

Creating Contextual Content

One of the unique features of Divi AI is its ability to generate contextual content for entire modules based on your existing website.

For example, with a single click, you can auto-generate a new blurb module filled with an AI-written title, body text, and featured image. The content will be relevant and on-brand as Divi AI analyses your site.

Enhancing Existing Content

Divi AI is not just proficient at generating fresh content. You can also utilize it to revise and enhance any text you’ve already penned.

With a simple click, Divi AI can condense copy, correct grammar and spelling errors, make the text more digestible and engaging, and more. This makes editing a walk in the park.

Maintaining Brand Consistency

Since Divi AI is integrated into the Divi theme, it learns about your brand from your existing website content. This allows it to emulate your tone and style when generating new text and images.

You also have the option to provide keywords and stylistic guidance through prompts, ensuring all AI-generated content aligns with your brand voice.

Time Efficiency

Divi AI can significantly reduce the time you spend on creative tasks. No more brainstorming for the perfect headline or slogan. No more hours spent designing graphics in Photoshop.

With Divi AI, you can generate polished, on-brand content in mere seconds, freeing up your time for other crucial tasks.

Seamless Integration

The beauty of Divi AI lies in its integration directly into the Divi Builder. There’s no need to manage or switch between third-party apps.

You can access the AI tools as you design your pages for a seamless, integrated experience. Simply click the Divi AI button wherever you want to add or enhance content.

Divi AI unlocks a world of possibilities for effortless content creation. Let your imagination soar and save time with the power of artificial intelligence!

The Road Forward

According to the team at Elegant Themes, they are just getting started with Divi AI. Coming soon will be even more ways that they have implemented AI to help you build faster.

  • Code Generation: Imagine generating code on the fly within the Divi Builder to target an element on the screen with natural language. Yeah, mind blown.
  • Full Layout Generation: Instead of loading a released template that sort of fits your needs, generate one with proper context.
  • Image Editing: From changing elements within an existing image to expanding that image to include more contextual imagery, Divi AI will soon let you do that.

With Divi AI’s limitations in mind along with this roadmap, we truly believe that it makes a fantastic compliment to Divi Form AI which we introduced as a new feature in Divi Form Builder. Why you ask? Well, Divi AI is a fantastic admin-facing tool, while Divi Form AI extends the intelligence of AI to your site visitors. We have crafted a few demos for you to see just a few of the possibilities we dreamt up, but you can truly deepen your user journey by giving them interactions that matter.

Learn more about Divi Form AI here. Ok, end of commercial, back to the post.


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Divi AI vs ChatGPT vs Midjourney

Divi AI, ChatGPT, Midjourney, [insert LLM list here], are all exciting new AI tools, but they each have their own unique strengths. While there is some overlap in capabilities, understanding the key differences can help you utilize each tool to its full potential. It all comes down to how versed you are in working with all the tools in these categories.

We have Divi AI which specializes in understanding Divi and the context within Divi land. We have a tool like ChatGPT which specializes in conversation AI. And lastly, you have your generative image model like Midjourney which can be used to generate incredible images with dialed-in control.

Let’s take a quick look at each one more closely:

Divi AI (free then from $14.40 pm)

Divi AI is specifically designed for generating visual content like images and text for your Divi website. One of its biggest advantages is how deeply integrated it is into the Divi Builder.

You can access Divi AI directly within the builder to instantly generate and insert images, text, and other content into your pages as you design them. There is no need to bounce back and forth between apps.

Divi AI also analyzes your existing website content so it can mimic your brand’s tone and style. This allows it to produce branded, contextual results.

Other key features include easy-to-use natural language prompts, one-click content generation, and built-in editing tools for improving AI-generated text and images.

ChatGPT (free or $20 pm)

ChatGPT is a more generalized conversational AI. It excels at understanding natural language prompts and responding to them thoughtfully.

While you can generate some images and text content with ChatGPT, it does not have deep knowledge of your specific brand or content. The results may not align seamlessly with your website’s look and feel.

ChatGPT also cannot directly integrate with your website or apps. You would need to copy/paste any generated content.

However, as a broad AI assistant, ChatGPT is unparalleled. It can answer complex questions, explain concepts, summarize topics, and more. You just need to feed it more context to get better results.

Midjourney (from $10 pm)

Midjourney’s specialty is AI-generated images and art. It offers advanced control over image styles and prompts.

You can generate stunning, photorealistic images by describing a scene, concept, or visual idea. Midjourney’s image capabilities surpass Divi AI and ChatGPT currently.

However, Midjourney does not produce any text or copy. And like ChatGPT, it lacks brand/context awareness and cannot integrate content seamlessly into your website.

You would need to take images generated in Midjourney and import them manually into your Divi site. Midjourney is more of an artistic tool.

Key Takeaways

In summary, while the core capability of each overlap, some key differences stand out:

  • Divi AI is purpose-built for branded content generation for your Divi site.
  • ChatGPT is better for general conversation and complex Q&A.
  • Midjourney leads in photorealistic, artistic image generation with great control.

Divi AI saves time by streamlining content production during web design. While tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney certainly have their place, it takes great skill in prompt engineering to get the results you are looking for.

The Controversy

A small contingent out there has been vocal on platforms like reddit and facebook with the general consensus being that Elegant Themes are gouging customers by charging for add-on services like Divi Cloud, Divi AI, etc. I want to speak to these two specific examples.

Compaint #1

This one is fairly simple, the usage of these API’s are not free for Elegant Themes. Most of the time these API’s are charged by usage and them giving you unlimited usage for both image and text generation is a steal even at $30. That, and Elegant Themes is a business. They offer an excellent product (Divi) with a lifetime license to use on as many sites and with as many clients as you like. The ROI here can not be overstated. And this does not just go for Elegant Themes. Devs work hard on their plugins/services and they need to pay people to not only offer support for these products but continue development them to keep making them better. Often at no charge as most devs offer lifetime deals on their products. An optional add-on service like this is a way to keep the innovation flowing for their core products. Without being able to generate more revenue via vehicles like Divi AI subscriptions, the core products will slowly stagnate and die. There goes your initial investment.

Complaint #2

This is a more level-headed complaint I feel. Yes, there is a digital ai gold rush happening right now and Divi Engine certainly did not sit this one out. But it takes some understanding behind the scenes as to how companies like Divi Engine, and no doubt Elegant Themes, tackle projects like this. There is always a core team doing development on the core products. This includes bug fixes, new features, and rewrites ala Divi 5. As new products or services come up, separate teams start doing development on those products. Extra devs get hired for that specific purpose. It is not a matter of halting development on one thing to start development on another. Yes, Elegant Themes have been slow on both progress and details regarding Divi 5, trust us, the Divi developer community out there feels that pain the most. Just trust that this is not their first rodeo and that they are taking care of the development process of their entire offering.

The common denominator here was Divi 5 being mentioned. Personally I think the community is anxious to get their hands on it because of the laundry list of flaws in Divi 4, but please be patient out there. Imagine the anxiety of having to re-write 9 plugins for Divi 5 which is what our dev team has to look forward to. Even with Elegant Themes being as big as they are, they are not going to put a Divi 5 version in your hands that will immediately break a bunch of sites.

The bottom line is this.

If you don’t have a use for Divi AI or don’t want to pay for it, don’t use it, simple as that.

OH! And if you don’t even want to see Divi AI in your Divi Builder, just paste the snippet below in your Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS:

.et-fb-icon.et-fb-icon--divi-ai, button.et-fb-
options-button {
display: none!important;

This is also handy with that 100-use limit for free on the Divi AI feature so that clients don’t run that down.

Our Verdict

While this first iteration of Divi AI certainly seems like a good start, we also experienced some buggy behavior while testing it out. This ranged from some strange output to nondescript error messages like the one below.

Some of the images generated were also a little wonky at best, but with some nurturing you can massage it into something more suited for a production site. These are issues faced from time to time by any of these LLM models. I’m scarred for life after trying to generate a likeness of a bearded employee here at Divi Engine for our Summer Sale promo video.

Once you get around these growing pains and use more of a tool to prototype and enhance existing content, you will grow to love Divi AI. Since I directly work with writing and creating many Divi tutorials, this saves me tons of time looking for images and generating relevant dummy text.

The future implementation of Divi AI is what has me really excited. Contextual CSS for things like animations or other features not natively available in Divi will empower the masses. Not everybody has the time to study CSS or JS to get some unique effects implemented on their Divi sites. Divi AI will change that. It really is a “radio moment” for Divi as it is democratizing skills within the Divi Theme.

Some of us will still be fine with the other AI tools out there because we have already painstakingly spent time learning how to use them most effectively to get the results we want, but that is not everybody out there. I look at my mom who is a brilliant designer, but these modern tools are just out of reach and very intimidating, Divi AI eases that by not requiring complex prompt engineering with steep learning curves.

From a cost perspective, it really is affordable. Unlimited usage! Hello.

Even at the $30 month-to-month pricing it hits parity with tools that have steeper learning curves like ChatGPT and Midjourney, but you are unshackled from monthly or hourly limits. It really is a no-brainer for the agencies out there. We have all gone down the “find the perfect Pexels image” rabbit hole for a client demo or showcase. No more.

Divi AI is here, it is not perfect, but we don’t hate it!



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