Custom Password Reset Layout


Transform the password reset process in your Divi WooCommerce store with the innovative customization options offered by Divi BodyCommerce. This feature allows you to design each step of the password reset journey using the Divi Builder, ensuring a seamless and branded experience for your users.

Tailored Password Reset Experience:

  • Divi-Centric Lost Password Template:
    • Customized User Entry Point: Create a distinctive Divi-styled page for users to enter their email when they forget their password. This not only makes the process user-friendly but also keeps it visually consistent with your Divi WooCommerce store’s design.
  • Password Reset Confirmation Message Template:
    • Branded Communication: Following the email submission, display a customized confirmation message crafted in the Divi Builder. This personalized message reassures users and guides them to check their email, all while maintaining your store’s unique Divi aesthetic.
  • Password Reset Template:
    • Final Branding Opportunity: Complete the password reset process with a custom form for setting a new password, ensuring this critical interaction is fully integrated with your Divi store’s look and feel.

Enhanced Divi User Experience:

With Divi BodyCommerce, the password reset process becomes an integral part of your Divi WooCommerce store’s user experience. These customizable templates not only provide utility but also enhance customer engagement and loyalty, ensuring every interaction with your store reflects your brand’s Divi-centric identity.


Posted on

November 17, 2023

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